• 2 years ago
00:00 There!
00:01 It's perfect!
00:03 [humming]
00:04 Huh?
00:05 [music]
00:07 What the?
00:08 [music]
00:09 Huh?
00:10 [music]
00:11 [laughing]
00:12 Well, I guess every good castle needs a moat.
00:14 [music]
00:16 Summer's going fast, and so are these mini Meow Meows figures.
00:20 Be sure to collect little two before they're all gone.
00:22 You can find your mystery Meow Meow box at these retailers.
00:26 [laughing]
00:27 Thanks!
00:28 [music]
00:30 No, not right.
00:31 This one's turning you into a frog.
00:33 Nope.
00:34 [ding]
00:35 [ding]
00:36 None of these will help me.
00:38 Meow.
00:39 What?
00:40 OMG, you're so cute.
00:42 Meow.
00:43 I hope I'm not too late.
00:44 Hey, Kim, watch out!
00:45 Thanks, guys.
00:46 Not now, Pierce.
00:47 Kim, watch out!
00:48 I'm trying to find a way down.
00:49 [laughing]
00:50 How's that for a way down?
00:52 [laughing]
00:53 Kim, you're supposed to find a way.
00:55 My potion of levitation worked, baby.
00:57 What?
00:58 Nice!
00:59 Oh, yeah?
01:00 Well, how about this?
01:01 Ian, stop it!
01:02 [laughing]
01:03 How about a classic?
01:04 There.
01:05 Now I've got fire resistance.
01:07 What?
01:08 Fire--
01:09 [laughing]
01:10 Well, your potions aren't going to do much about this.
01:12 Ow!
01:13 Hey!
01:14 Yeah!
01:15 Get out of there!
01:16 I've got a potion for this.
01:17 Just--
01:18 Good old-fashioned murder.
01:19 Guys!
01:20 [laughing]
01:21 What?
01:22 Why?
01:23 Guys, that wasn't very nice at all.
01:24 Well, she should learn that potions are a great way to play this game.
01:26 I'm a nerd, and Minecraft is a no-nerd zone.
01:29 What?
01:30 [laughing]
01:31 You guys are all jerks.
01:32 [groaning]
01:33 I've been called worse.
01:34 Kim?
01:35 Hey, Kim, are you OK?
01:37 Oh, there she is.
01:38 That stupid boy.
01:39 Kim!
01:40 Hey, are you all right?
01:41 Oh, I'm fine, Aphmau.
01:43 I just need to restock and go mining is all.
01:45 OK, take your time.
01:46 I'm here.
01:47 Hey, you!
01:48 If your potions are so great, then why can't you make me a potion of hotness?
01:52 I told you, Ian, those don't exist.
01:54 Boring!
01:55 Why?
01:56 [screaming]
01:57 Oh, my gosh.
01:58 Why?
01:59 Oh, poor Kim.
02:00 It's not fair for her to be treated like that.
02:02 Just because she likes to use potions to help with everything doesn't mean that you can't play Minecraft.
02:06 But maybe, maybe I can help her in a very unique way.
02:10 [laughing]
02:11 All right, let's see if this works.
02:15 What kitten will work?
02:17 I think the one that's going to work--
02:20 [squealing]
02:21 This one!
02:22 Amazing.
02:23 Let's see what we can do.
02:25 Oh, I'm a potion cat.
02:28 I got all of the liquid in me and stuff.
02:30 I wonder how these powers work.
02:32 Let's see what I can do.
02:33 All right, time to--
02:34 Huh?
02:35 Where did he come from?
02:36 Kim!
02:37 Come on, Kim.
02:38 I know you don't want to give it to-- the potion of hotness to Ian, but we're friends, right?
02:41 No, leave me alone.
02:43 You blew me up and made me fall into a ravine.
02:45 Yeah, and so--
02:46 Get out of here, you--
02:47 [slapping]
02:48 Hey, get out of here, Kim.
02:49 Leave me alone already.
02:50 [slapping]
02:51 Stay out.
02:52 Kim, leave me alone.
02:53 [meowing]
02:54 What the heck is going on out there?
02:56 [meowing]
02:57 A cat?
02:58 Huh, who are you?
02:59 Oh, cool.
03:00 You're a potion kitty, which means you must make potions.
03:04 [meowing]
03:05 Awesome.
03:06 I'd love to see that.
03:07 [meowing]
03:08 Huh?
03:09 What are you doing, kitty?
03:10 I actually don't know if I can do this, but let's see.
03:12 Oh, there we go.
03:13 And--
03:14 Whoa, you already made something.
03:16 Put this here.
03:17 Fascinating.
03:18 And potion of building.
03:19 I wonder what else you can do.
03:20 All right.
03:21 What's this?
03:22 Oh, you want me to follow?
03:23 Please work, please work the way I think it is.
03:24 Please work the way I think it is.
03:25 Um, OK, so what's that potion going to do?
03:27 [swoosh]
03:28 Ooh.
03:29 Whoa.
03:30 Is this my house?
03:31 Yes.
03:32 Oh, this is incredible.
03:33 Thank you.
03:34 I can't wait to see what's inside.
03:35 Aw, she seems so happy.
03:37 Whoa, so many books.
03:39 Oh, and what's up here?
03:41 Meow.
03:42 Oh, I can't wait.
03:44 See, I want to see what this laser's like.
03:45 Wowee, all my potions are back and everything.
03:48 Oh, I can't believe this is all for me.
03:50 Oh, you ain't seen nothing yet.
03:51 If I can do this, I'm sure I can do--
03:52 Uh-oh.
03:53 Uh, don't worry about that.
03:54 Oh, man, am I lucky today.
03:56 OK, let's put this here.
03:58 Let's see.
03:59 Now what are you working on, little buddy?
04:01 Potion of witching.
04:02 And--
04:03 [swoosh]
04:04 [gasp]
04:05 OMG, I look incredible.
04:07 Look at you, girl.
04:09 Oh, you made me a hat, too?
04:11 There you go.
04:12 Oh, I feel so powerful, like a real potion master.
04:15 Thanks, kitty.
04:16 I bet I can make potions for everyone on the server now.
04:19 We can make Minecraft even easier for them.
04:22 Meow meow.
04:23 Wait, but-- oh, I guess most people don't like potions, so--
04:26 That's not true.
04:27 Those were just dummies.
04:28 Maybe not.
04:29 Meow.
04:30 [whimpers]
04:31 You know what?
04:32 I bet I can fix that.
04:33 Huh.
04:34 Be right back.
04:35 OK, guess I'll see you later, kitty.
04:36 Thank the kin for the house.
04:37 [swoosh]
04:38 Now, KC might not normally think about potions,
04:40 but I bet if she sees a potion kitty, she'll be all about it,
04:43 and kin will have her faith restored.
04:45 All right.
04:46 [clears throat]
04:47 Meow.
04:48 Meow.
04:49 Meow meow.
04:50 What?
04:51 Oh, hello.
04:52 Aw, what a cute little potion kitty.
04:55 Meow meow.
04:56 Oh, that's so cute.
04:57 [giggles]
04:58 Meow.
04:59 Um, hmm.
05:00 Hmm.
05:01 Whose kitty is this?
05:02 This way.
05:03 Come on.
05:04 Come on, follow me.
05:05 Oh, OK.
05:06 Follow me, follow me.
05:07 Time to bring her over to Kim.
05:08 Wow, her house looks a lot prettier from this distance.
05:11 Meow meow.
05:12 Do do do do.
05:13 Meow meow meow.
05:14 Do do do do.
05:15 Meow.
05:16 Meow meow.
05:17 Oh, potion kitty, you're back.
05:18 What have you been up to?
05:19 Kim, is this your kitty?
05:21 You bet your butt it is.
05:23 So, what can I do for you?
05:24 Aw, she's so perfect.
05:26 You're beautiful.
05:27 I just need it.
05:28 Aw, shucks.
05:29 I need you to make me a potion.
05:30 Oh, sure.
05:31 What kind of potion?
05:32 Meow.
05:33 To make me beautiful.
05:34 Oh, to make you beautiful?
05:35 But--
05:36 Mm-hmm.
05:37 But you're already beautiful.
05:38 Aw.
05:39 Aw, but I need a potion that will make Zane think that I'm beautiful.
05:42 Ah, well, can't say no to a friend.
05:44 I think you already just--
05:45 Or monies.
05:46 I think I've got something for you.
05:48 OK, potion kitty, try these ingredients and brew me your finest potion.
05:51 I got this.
05:52 Kim, I don't know if I can make anything like that.
05:54 I got that.
05:55 Um, OK.
05:56 I got this.
05:57 Blaze powder, nether wart, and--
05:58 And lastly, my hat.
05:59 Um--
06:00 Oh, it'll be fine, kitty.
06:01 It's quinnifer.
06:02 I've--
06:03 Just try it out.
06:04 I've never tried to combine things like this, but I'll give it a shot.
06:08 Um, let's see.
06:10 Uh, blaze powder, I don't know what I got to do.
06:14 I'm just going to put it, like, in four?
06:16 Potion of what?
06:18 Meow-meow.
06:19 Ah, don't worry so much, kitty.
06:20 I'm a potion master, after all.
06:22 Just trust me.
06:23 Okey-dokey, Casey, here you go.
06:25 You just take this potion, and once you drink it, you'll find that you're the most beautiful player on the server.
06:31 Really?
06:32 Kim, Kim, I don't know if this is going to work.
06:34 That's right, Zane will be able to take his eyes off you.
06:36 I'll even come with you to watch.
06:37 Ooh, OK.
06:38 Okay!
06:38 This should speed things up a bit!
06:40 There we go!
06:40 Meow!
06:41 Let's zoom over to Zane!
06:42 Uh huh!
06:42 Meow!
06:43 Okay!
06:43 Ah!
06:44 Oh, I'm so nervous about this!
06:46 I don't know if this is going to actually work.
06:47 Yeah, just put this here.
06:48 And then place this path over here.
06:51 Meow!
06:51 Meow meow!
06:52 Um, Zane!
06:53 Are you busy?
06:55 Just one second, Kacy!
06:56 I just gotta...
06:57 Hurry up, Zane!
06:58 Come on!
06:59 Hah!
06:59 Hmm...
07:00 Um...
07:00 Ah!
07:01 Oh!
07:01 Oh, oh!
07:02 Oh!
07:02 Uh oh!
07:03 Okay, there it goes.
07:03 Uh oh!
07:04 Huh!
07:04 Uh oh!
07:05 Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!
07:05 Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!
07:07 What's going on here?
07:07 I can't look!
07:08 I can't!
07:08 Oh no!
07:09 Hi!
07:09 Is this what you think is cutesy?
07:11 What?
07:12 This isn't what it looks like?
07:13 I...
07:14 Meow!
07:14 Uh, uh, what?
07:15 I can't believe you!
07:17 Ah!
07:18 No way!
07:19 Ow!
07:20 Oh, you guys!
07:20 Uh!
07:21 This wasn't supposed to happen, Kacy!
07:22 This is the means to life!
07:24 Oh no, no, no, no, no!
07:25 Kacy!
07:26 I'm so angry!
07:27 Oh!
07:28 I gotta make this right!
07:30 Somehow!
07:30 Oh no, no, no, no, no!
07:32 Meow meow!
07:33 Oh!
07:34 Maybe I should just give up!
07:36 No one wants my potion!
07:37 I just ruined everything!
07:40 Maybe we can fix this!
07:41 We have a lot of ingredients and I'm...
07:42 Come on, Kim!
07:43 Perk up!
07:43 Let's go!
07:44 Meow!
07:44 Meow meow!
07:45 Meow!
07:45 Huh?
07:46 Ah!
07:46 Huh?
07:47 Oh no, you're right!
07:48 I should definitely give up!
07:50 Here, just take all my ingredients!
07:51 What?
07:52 No!
07:52 That's not a thing that I said!
07:54 She can't understand me!
07:55 Can only meow at her!
07:56 Ah!
07:56 I'm a failure!
07:57 Ugh!
07:58 We just gotta make something different!
07:59 We gotta use the proper ingredients!
08:01 Uh, let's see...
08:02 Ingredients, chest...
08:02 Alright, let's see...
08:03 What's we got?
08:04 True love...
08:05 Essence of true love...
08:07 Oh!
08:08 Okay, alright!
08:09 Let's see what we can make here!
08:10 We got lots of unique potions!
08:12 Plus I am a unique potion, Kim!
08:14 Fountain of Youth Water...
08:16 And, uh...
08:18 We got the...
08:18 This potion...
08:19 And...
08:20 Rabbit's foot...
08:21 And all the stuff...
08:21 Okay!
08:22 Okay, okay!
08:22 Beauty...
08:23 Beauty potion!
08:24 Meow!
08:25 I'll just stare at my sad reflection!
08:27 Meow!
08:28 Meow meow!
08:28 Meow!
08:29 What was that?
08:30 A beauty potion?
08:31 But...
08:32 She'll...
08:32 She'll never drink it!
08:33 She'll hate me forever!
08:35 I should just leave the server already!
08:38 *sobs*
08:39 *sigh*
08:40 I guess I'll have to do this myself!
08:42 Alright!
08:43 I do have a potion of swiftness!
08:44 Let's use that!
08:45 And let's get over to Kasey's!
08:47 Meow meow!
08:48 Come on, Kasey!
08:49 I told you it's not what you think!
08:50 What the...
08:51 I don't like Kim!
08:52 Don't lie to me!
08:53 The sooner you admit that you have a crush on her,
08:55 the sooner I can convince you that I'm better than her!
08:58 Oh my gosh!
08:59 Kasey!
09:00 Meow!
09:00 Meow!
09:01 I don't understand what...
09:01 Kitty!
09:02 Is that you?
09:03 I thought I told you to leave!
09:04 Meow meow!
09:05 Meow!
09:06 Hmm...
09:06 No, you're right!
09:07 I can't stay mad at a kitty!
09:09 Meow!
09:10 Meow!
09:11 Huh?
09:11 Huh...
09:12 Wait!
09:12 Is this another beauty potion?
09:15 Yeah!
09:16 Try it, Kasey!
09:16 Hmm...
09:17 Great, another one!
09:18 There we go!
09:19 Back to normal!
09:20 Huh?
09:21 Nothing happened!
09:22 I'm just me!
09:24 Oh!
09:24 Yeah, Kasey!
09:25 You're beautiful just the way you are!
09:27 *screams*
09:28 Aww, Zane!
09:29 I did it!
09:30 Wait!
09:31 Yes!
09:31 Wait!
09:32 *panting*
09:33 Don't!
09:33 Don't drink the potion!
09:34 *panting*
09:35 Uh-huh!
09:36 Why not?
09:37 It was perfect!
09:38 Wait, it's...
09:39 What?
09:40 Really?
09:40 Yeah!
09:41 You fixed it!
09:42 I shouldn't have gotten so angry at you!
09:44 I'm sure it was all just a misunderstanding!
09:46 Oh!
09:47 Uh...
09:47 I mean, uh...
09:48 You're welcome!
09:50 Yeah!
09:50 Thank you so much!
09:52 Both of you!
09:53 Meow meow!
09:53 Anytime!
09:54 *sigh*
09:55 Alright!
09:55 Again, potion kitty!
09:56 Finally!
09:57 You may have fooled Kasey into thinking your potions are worth something,
10:00 but you're not gonna fool me!
10:01 I'm a man of science!
10:03 Okay!
10:03 Um...
10:04 Zane!
10:04 You know what, Kitty?
10:05 I bet we can't show him!
10:07 Come on, let's follow him!
10:08 There's still a chance!
10:10 Yep!
10:10 I agree!
10:11 Hmm, I think he went this way!
10:12 Hmm...
10:13 Meow meow!
10:13 Meow!
10:14 Aww, look at those!
10:15 I didn't know glistening melons could even be this whole!
10:18 Look at this one!
10:19 Uh...
10:19 This can't be right!
10:20 I just gotta get it before someone else does!
10:21 *laughs*
10:21 Kim?
10:22 Kim?
10:22 Meow!
10:23 *screams*
10:23 Oh my gosh, Kim!
10:24 Ow!
10:26 She survived!
10:27 Oh my gosh!
10:28 I'm okay!
10:29 Luckily I got this potion of splash healing for us!
10:31 Good!
10:32 *sigh*
10:32 There!
10:33 That's better!
10:34 Hmm...
10:35 Now, how do I get out of this mess?
10:37 I thought you'd try to follow me!
10:39 Let me guess, you wanna convince me that potions are amazing, huh?
10:42 Well that's not gonna happen!
10:43 Zane!
10:43 Good luck down there, you two!
10:45 *laughs*
10:46 Hey, wait a minute, come back!
10:48 Oh, wait, what's that over there?
10:51 Wait, wait, wait!
10:51 Uh oh!
10:52 Uh oh!
10:52 An Enderman!
10:53 It's an Enderman!
10:54 Careful, careful!
10:55 I'll take care of it!
10:56 What do we gotta do?
10:56 Meow!
10:57 Get rid of him!
10:57 Get-
10:58 Oh, careful Kitty!
10:58 Shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo!
11:00 Get outta here!
11:01 There we go!
11:01 Got 'em!
11:02 Oh wow, we did it!
11:03 Alright Kitty, you're safe!
11:04 Oh, you're even cooler than I thought!
11:06 Thanks!
11:06 Thanks so much!
11:07 Meow meow!
11:08 *sigh*
11:09 Now that that's done,
11:10 Let me see, I'm gonna make something with this ingredient.
11:12 I know that I can make a lot of unique potions in this form, so...
11:15 Huh?
11:16 Whatcha gonna make now?
11:17 Oh, a potion of floating!
11:19 Meow meow!
11:20 Oh, what's this?
11:21 *gasp*
11:21 A potion of floating!
11:23 Kitty, you're brilliant!
11:24 That's what I said!
11:25 Now we can get outta here!
11:27 Al-already!
11:28 Look at Kim, she's so smart!
11:29 Get close, Kitty!
11:29 Big ol' smart!
11:30 And...
11:31 Here we go!
11:32 *flash*
11:32 Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
11:34 Freedom!
11:35 I wonder how different this is from the levitation potion?
11:37 Wait, what's that noise?
11:38 Huh?
11:39 Glad you only hurt my back, Kitty!
11:40 Wait a minute!
11:41 You're so smart!
11:42 How did you two do that?
11:43 *sigh*
11:43 Potion.
11:44 Okay, I don't know what that cat said,
11:46 But I'm gonna make sure you don't go spritting around your potion, love!
11:49 Meow meow!
11:50 What?
11:50 Uh...
11:51 *screaming*
11:53 Oh!
11:54 Help! Get me down!
11:55 *screaming*
11:56 I bet he's having fun up there!
11:58 *laughing*
11:59 *screaming*
12:00 Oof!
12:01 Oh, he did.
12:02 He died-ed.
12:03 Oh, didn't save the living, though.
12:05 Did I finish building my giant kitties yesterday?
12:07 Hope she loves as much as I do.
12:09 Ooh, okay!
12:10 Uh, we're good!
12:11 Ooh, a book!
12:12 Let me see, let me see!
12:13 Oh, Zane's diary, huh?
12:15 Yeah, it's his Minecraft diary.
12:16 We'll get a little rid of this later, but, uh,
12:17 Let's forget all this weirdness happened, huh, Kitty?
12:20 Yeah, I agree.
12:21 Anyway, let's go find Zane!
12:22 I bet we can make a potion that he'll like for sure!
12:25 Let's go!
12:26 Meow meow!
12:27 Oh, Zane!
12:28 Oh, Zane!
12:29 What?
12:30 You just don't know how to take no for an answer, do you?
12:32 Nope!
12:33 Now let's talk potions, buddy!
12:34 Ooooooh!
12:35 Now why don't we talk science instead?
12:38 Huh?
12:39 Whoa!
12:40 Zane, that could've hurt me!
12:42 I think it's what he was going for.
12:43 Let's try again!
12:44 Uh, I gotta try to figure something out.
12:45 Help!
12:46 Come here!
12:47 Potion Kitty, hurry!
12:48 Save me!
12:49 Don't worry, Kim, you got this!
12:50 Just run away, you're good at that!
12:51 I mean, I mean, you're good at that part of Minecraft!
12:53 Zane, are you crazy, bro?
12:54 You've got nowhere to run, Kim!
12:55 Ah!
12:56 No, leave me alone!
12:57 Come on, I gotta craft something.
12:58 Craft something redstone.
12:59 I can see how crafting potions is-
13:00 Don't break my glasses, please!
13:01 Or my face!
13:02 What does this do?
13:03 I don't know!
13:04 What you gonna do now, potion master, huh?
13:05 Meow meow!
13:06 What?
13:07 Meow?
13:08 Kim, get your stupid cat under-
13:09 Wait.
13:10 What is all this?
13:11 What'd you do to me?
13:12 I don't know, what did I do to you?
13:13 What did you do?
13:14 Huh?
13:15 Ooooooh!
13:16 What?
13:17 What is that down there?
13:18 I can see things!
13:19 I can see things!
13:20 What?
13:21 What?
13:22 What?
13:23 I can see things!
13:24 I can see things with my specialized-
13:25 Meow!
13:26 Meow meow!
13:27 What?
13:28 I can't understand you!
13:29 Uh, I think the kitty said "follow me"?
13:30 Yes, definitely.
13:31 Not easy speaking cat, you know.
13:32 Come on, come on, come on, this way!
13:33 This isn't over, just- what's going on?
13:34 Over here?
13:35 I wonder where she's taking us.
13:36 I don't know, let's follow.
13:37 Now he's interested, at least he's off Kim.
13:38 This way?
13:39 Yeah, oh, yep, see!
13:40 Hold on.
13:41 It's over here, I think.
13:42 No?
13:43 This is where I last saw it, but what am I supposed to do now?
13:44 Uh, mine?
13:45 Like, for Minecraft?
13:46 Yes?
13:47 Yes?
13:48 Yeah, I don't know.
13:49 What am I supposed to do now?
13:50 - Uh, mine? - Oh, what?
13:51 - Like, for Minecraft? - Dig?
13:51 - Yes, yes, there he goes. - Oh no, yes.
13:53 - Use his brain. - Wait, diamonds.
13:56 - Ooh! - Cool!
13:57 - Two diamonds? - Nice!
13:59 - Oh, okay. - Oh, the potion
14:01 must help you find diamonds, cool!
14:02 - See, isn't using potions really cool?
14:04 - Is that what that glow was?
14:06 - Yeah, see and you can find more diamonds
14:07 even though you use your diamonds to make this.
14:09 - Maybe these potions aren't so bad.
14:11 - Uh huh, really? - How did you make those?
14:13 - Oh, well, it's a secret. (giggles)
14:16 - I'm gonna keep going, I think I see another one out here.
14:18 - Okay, oh, careful of the lava, buddy.
14:20 - Meow meow.
14:21 - Ha, all right, kitty, another satisfied customer.
14:25 Now all we have to do is convince those other boys.
14:27 Let's go, kitty!
14:28 - Kim's gonna make so many friends,
14:29 she's gonna be so popular!
14:31 - Aw man, we got tons of cool potions, kitty.
14:33 - Meow meow. - Now where can we
14:34 find the boys? - Meow meow.
14:36 - Kim! - Kim!
14:37 - Kim! - Kim!
14:38 - Kim! - Kim!
14:38 - Kim! - Kim!
14:39 - Kim! - Kim!
14:40 - Kim! - Kim!
14:41 - Oh, there you are. - I was looking for ya.
14:42 - Oh, hey, you know, I thought before,
14:46 I know we tried to dine at you earlier
14:48 in the lava and the TNT.
14:49 - Kim. - Hmm.
14:50 - I just want you to know that we're so sorry.
14:53 - Yeah, we turned over a new leaf,
14:55 and you know what?
14:56 We wanna buy all your potions.
14:58 - What? - Really?
14:58 - You mean like-- - Elve!
15:00 - Something's up. - You guys are so nice,
15:01 and I trust you, come on, come to my house.
15:03 - No, Kim, I don't trust them.
15:05 - Oh, yes, come to my good man,
15:07 we will purchase all the things.
15:08 - Oh no. - Oh, yes, indeed.
15:09 - I shall leave more than one. - Kim.
15:10 - For instance, oh my god. - Or two 99s, a lot of stuff.
15:13 - Okay. - Workshop, that's gross.
15:15 Whatever. - Meow, meow meow.
15:16 - If you have any questions, just let me know,
15:17 and I'll find the potion for ya.
15:18 - Yes, you know, we really need a potion of--
15:22 (Pear grunting)
15:23 - Wow, look at that. - No!
15:26 - All right, Pearce, grab everything you can.
15:27 - Yes, sir.
15:28 - I can't believe I spent-- - I knew it.
15:30 This is why we don't trust Ian or Pearce.
15:32 Need to say nice things that must've gotten to Kim's head.
15:34 - I think that's it, let's go.
15:35 Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
15:37 - Whoo! - Get back here.
15:40 - Sorry for letting you out of camp.
15:41 You're too late, kitty.
15:43 And with these ingredients,
15:44 we'll be able to make our own potion of hotness
15:46 and make all the girls fall in love with us.
15:49 (laughing)
15:50 Later! - Let's do dummies!
15:51 - Come on, Ian, we gotta go.
15:52 Dummy! - Aw, man.
15:53 - They're so dumb.
15:54 - Why'd it gotta be so mean?
15:56 I would've shared the potions with them.
15:58 They'd have to break my heart!
16:00 - And my legs.
16:02 (sighing)
16:03 - We'll figure this out, Kim, don't worry.
16:06 - You don't think they'll do anything bad, do you, kitty?
16:08 - Help!
16:09 (screaming)
16:13 - There's so many of them.
16:14 - What happened? - We never meant
16:15 to be this attractive.
16:17 - Kitty, we still have to go. - Come on, you.
16:19 - What are these zombies?
16:21 - All right, Ian, I think it's time.
16:23 Time you finally faced your record fans.
16:25 - No, no, Pearce, Pearce.
16:27 Clearly they're here for you.
16:28 They don't want you, yeah?
16:31 - No, no, no, no, no, no.
16:32 I think they have eyes only for the dark blue,
16:36 the good blue. - No, no, no, no.
16:37 It's all about the light.
16:38 - Why are these zombies surviving in the dark?
16:40 - Wait, I have a potion. - I'm there, Kimmy's here.
16:42 - Well, maybe they have hair, that's why.
16:43 The hair is protecting them. - No, it's the cat.
16:46 - Sorry, ladies. - No!
16:47 Come on, guys.
16:48 - They're just not my type.
16:51 - Maybe call me later? - No, maybe after we can grab
16:54 a nice hot chocolate together.
16:56 - I'm trying to weaken them.
16:58 - I'm gonna need a book.
17:00 - Who could have predicted this would go wrong?
17:02 - I couldn't believe it.
17:03 We're geniuses.
17:04 We should have been able to figure this out.
17:07 - Is that all of them?
17:08 - I think we got 'em. - No.
17:10 - Whew, that was close.
17:12 Those ladies thought we looked good enough to eat.
17:13 - I mean, how many times have I said it?
17:15 I'm literally too handsome for my own good.
17:17 - You know, for someone so good looking,
17:19 you seem to need a lot of help.
17:20 How much stuff did you make?
17:21 - Well, you know, potion making
17:24 is more of an art than a science.
17:25 - Well, I'm getting rid of it.
17:27 (all yelling)
17:29 - I guess we won't have any more problems.
17:33 OMG!
17:34 Can he do something?
17:37 - Hey!
17:38 Oh, they're being, oh!
17:39 - Yeah, that is really mean.
17:41 - Okay, take it down, take it down!
17:43 Back up, back up, back up!
17:44 Attack!
17:45 You know, maybe it's time we go to plan B.
17:47 - What's that?
17:48 (all yelling)
17:51 - Come on, Kim, meow, meow, meow!
17:55 Kim, Kim, meow!
17:56 Girl!
17:57 Girl, do something!
17:59 Come on, this way, this way!
18:00 (Kim laughing)
18:01 - Maybe it'll follow me.
18:02 It's already attached to me,
18:03 so I just gotta make sure that I can get in the ravine.
18:06 Just somewhere where it's not gonna hurt anybody else.
18:08 Come on, meow, meow, meow!
18:10 This way!
18:12 - Come on!
18:13 You know you want to!
18:15 I'm over here and I'm going to meow!
18:18 - It's working, keep doing it, kitty!
18:20 (Kitty meowing)
18:22 - Oh, nice!
18:23 Stay down there!
18:25 - Ah, yay, we did it!
18:26 - Oh, I can't believe it actually worked.
18:31 - Good job, Kitty, you're the best!
18:32 - Meow, meow, thanks.
18:34 - Let's go check on the boys.
18:35 - Yeah.
18:36 - Now, where could they have run off to?
18:37 - I'm not sure.
18:38 (Pear groaning)
18:39 - Huh?
18:40 There they are!
18:41 - Is it gone, are we safe?
18:42 - Yeah, we're good, Pear, she can come down!
18:43 - Hang on, get, coming up!
18:45 (Pear grunting)
18:46 - Oh, yeah. - Oh!
18:47 - Everything okay? - Come in.
18:48 - I think it's gone.
18:49 - All right.
18:50 - All right, I think, in which case,
18:52 I think there's only one thing to do.
18:53 - Yeah. - Mm-hmm.
18:54 - I'm so sorry!
18:55 - Oh, well.
18:56 (Pear laughing)
18:57 - For reals?
18:57 - I mean, I'm not, but you know.
19:00 (Pear screaming)
19:01 - Okay, all right, fine, I'm sorry too.
19:03 - I'm so sorry.
19:03 - You know, forgive us.
19:05 - Yeah.
19:05 - Well, on one condition.
19:08 - Anything!
19:09 - What is it?
19:10 - You two have to fetch my ingredients forever!
19:13 (laughing)
19:14 - Forever? - Oh!
19:16 - It's like, 'til tomorrow or something.
19:18 (Pear screaming)
19:18 - I'm so sorry!
19:20 - Come on, boys!
19:21 - I don't like that!
19:22 - Let's get it on the line!
19:23 - You know what, no potions!
19:24 - I don't even know what it's done.
19:26 - Come on, potions don't make themselves, you know!
19:28 Where are my ingredients?
19:29 - Oh, it's hard when you can't read the labels.
19:31 - Kind of.
19:32 - No, it's not, did you take them from my garden?
19:33 - Hold on, hold on, I got it, I got it, I got it.
19:36 Is this an ingredient?
19:37 - This is it, Pear, you can do better than that, come on!
19:40 - Sorry, sorry, sorry.
19:40 - This is an ingredient.
19:42 - What?
19:42 - What, you guys, why is this so difficult?
19:44 - Oh my gosh.
19:45 - Okay, I think I got it this time.
19:46 This is definitely an ingredient, right?
19:49 - That's a dog.
19:50 - But it's not even my dog, it's his.
19:51 - This is an ingredient, right?
19:52 - I don't know.
19:53 - No!
19:54 - I don't think you should--
19:55 (laughing)
