Shami Kebab

  • 11 months ago
Resha Shami Kebab Recipe.
•Beef Boneless 1.5kg-2kg
•Channa Daal/Chickpea Lentil 1 cup (250g)
•Onions 2 medium roughly cut
•Green Chilies 2-3
•Ginger 2 inches roughly chopped
•Spices:( 1.5 tbsp each crushed Corriander & red chili powder, 1 tbsp each of chaat masala, cumin, chicken powder, 1 tsp garam masala powder,1/2 tsp turmeric, 2 sticks cinnamon, 10-12 black pepper corn, 6-8 red whole chili, salt to taste )
•Water 3-4 cups or as required


Add all the ingredients in pressure cooker. Cook it for 30-45 mins until lentil & beef are so tender that you don’t require a chopper. If there is water when you open the cooker, turn the flame high and let it dry.
Now take a mortar and mash it with hands. We want a pulled beef kind of mixture. It takes 5-8 minutes to blend all the mixture with mortar.
You can use a chopper too but it won’t give a pulled beef effect.

Let it cool down. Then add
•Egg 1
•Finely chopped Mint & Corriander leaves ( 1/2 cup together)
•Onion 1 medium finely chopped

Mix well until well combined. Make kebabs. Freeze for upto 3 months. Shallow Fry until golden before consuming.
Watch this video.


Love umar
