
  • last year
In this video, we clarify recent reports claiming that asteroid 2023 HQ is on a collision course with Earth and explain NASA's monitoring efforts. We discuss the true nature of the asteroid's trajectory and distance from Earth, as well as the technology being used to track its movements. Join us as we debunk misinformation and gain a deeper understanding of the real risks and benefits of monitoring near-Earth objects.
description-In this video, we'll be debunking common misinformation surrounding asteroid 2023 HQ and discussing NASA's monitoring efforts. As one of the world's leading space agencies, NASA is constantly working to track potentially hazardous asteroids and develop plans to mitigate any potential threats.

We'll be diving into the science behind asteroids and exploring how NASA uses advanced technology to detect and track them. By the end of this video, you'll have a better understanding of how NASA is working to keep us safe from future asteroid impacts.
image credit-from pixabay please visit the website for some amazing images