Prom 2015 tips & advice to save money! (dress, nails, makeup + more)

  • last year
00:00 Hey everyone, it's Marissa and today I have a video that is all about prom
00:04 So this is just tips and advice slash life hacks or whatever you want to call it for prom
00:12 It is advice for the actual dance for what you need to bring what you should do beforehand the dress the shoes makeup
00:19 all that I wanted to give my advice for you guys and
00:25 Especially kind of focusing on how to save some money for prom because prom can be so so expensive
00:31 I know I like almost went broke when it came to my prom
00:35 So yeah, I've only been to one prom so that doesn't make me super qualified to talk about this
00:42 But I still thought I should you know share what I have to say about it
00:47 I don't know if any of you guys follow me on Instagram to see you know
00:51 How I got asked to prom or you know my pictures from prom, but yeah
00:55 That's how that went down and that was like last weekend, and it was just a crazy fun experience
01:01 I just had a really good time and I wanted to give advice about everything because I was super stressed out beforehand
01:07 About you know everything that you have to do so here are all my tips
01:13 So pre-prom there's a few things you should do you should probably you know start looking for a dress as soon as
01:20 possible
01:22 I recommend looking online and in stores and just
01:26 Looking at as many dresses as possible and getting inspiration
01:30 You can look in some magazine or you can look on Instagram accounts or even watch some YouTube videos
01:37 But yeah, I totally recommend trying that out to get inspired and get in the mood
01:43 and I know for some people you have you know a certain idea of
01:48 What you want your prom to be like or what you want your dress to be like and you've been
01:52 Planning that forever, and you just got to make that happen you got to search for the right dress
01:57 You'll know when you find it
01:59 And I'll put some tips out is to be a super cautionist when buying online because I've had my friends and other people
02:06 You know not just with prom dresses, but with things in general
02:09 You know you think something's gonna look like you think your dress is gonna look
02:13 You know a certain way, but then when it comes in it's totally not the color
02:16 And it doesn't fit right and can be super disappointing so just be super careful when it comes to that
02:21 Also, just keep your eye out for prom dresses
02:23 You know wherever you are my one of my best friends found her prom dress at her tailors place
02:29 So she was trying to get hers
02:31 Altered so it would fit her better
02:33 But then it was just way too big and then she found a prom dress there
02:37 And it just looked perfect on her and that's how she found her prom dress
02:41 So just keep your eyes open and if you are on a really tight budget, then I suggest that maybe you
02:48 Buy a used prom dress because there are lots of girls who bought really expensive prom dresses that they can never really wear again
02:56 And they're trying to sell them so you can look for those online or in thrift stores or even just borrow your dress
03:02 That's what I did. I asked some of my older friends
03:05 Hey does anybody have an extra prom dress that I could maybe try on and
03:09 One of my best friends older sisters had a dress and it was not for prom
03:14 It was actually for her sweet 16 birthday, but um
03:17 It fit me really well, and it was such a pretty color and she was like you can just have it
03:23 I was like thank you so much, and it just that just saves you so much money, and it's
03:29 I just think it's a really good idea to
03:32 Keep all those options open so that's something I definitely recommend when it comes to before prom
03:39 Also before prom there's lots of things to consider about you know your actual like body like to get your eyebrows done
03:46 Or you know your nails done or get a spray tan and some people go all out
03:51 But you definitely don't need to do that. Prom is so strange where I live because it's like right
03:56 After you know winter and everybody's pale, and they want to look you know tan and gorgeous in their dresses
04:02 So a lot of girls get spray tans, but sometimes spray tans don't work out, and you look streaky or orange
04:06 So I my advice is to just kind of embrace your natural skin color if that's if you can but if
04:13 You don't want to do that. I would try a spray tan
04:16 I don't recommend tanning beds because of all the health hazards with that, but yeah
04:22 So maybe you had a try spray tan don't definitely try spray tan for the first time before prom
04:27 But you know spray tan or you can do use the self tanner maybe and when it comes to your eyebrows
04:34 You can get them done of course, but maybe you just pluck them and try to shape them yourself if you're on a budget
04:41 And you have a limited money
04:43 When it comes to nails a lot of people get them done professionally
04:47 But you can definitely save some money and just do it yourself at home
04:49 Or instead of going like all out and getting like gel nails which is a lot more expensive than you know regular
04:57 nails being painted for like a manicure and pedicure you can just
05:02 Get the regular kind instead of gel and you can definitely save a lot of money there
05:08 That's what I did and I got my nails done the day of prom like in the morning before
05:12 the night and I think that worked out for me fine just because
05:16 my nails really only needed to look nice for that one night and I
05:20 Have them like this now, and they honestly haven't chipped that much just this finger, so that's pretty good
05:27 It's all up to you, but yeah
05:30 Okay, so once you have your dress you need to find your shoes
05:33 And I wouldn't really freak out about shoes too much because a lot of people
05:38 At least where I live we wear long dresses to prom like it's really rare that someone would wear like a short dress to prom
05:44 So you can't even really see your shoes sometimes
05:47 but if you can see your shoes if but if you have a dress that you can see your shoes then
05:54 Maybe put some more money towards your prom shoes, but I just use shoes that I already have in my closet
05:59 And you are not familiar with heels, and you really want to wear heels to prom then I totally advise you to
06:05 Wear those shoes you know around your house and try to break them in before the night that way your feet aren't killing you
06:14 At the actual dance and a lot of people actually at the prom I went to they didn't even wear their shoes all night long
06:22 They just kind of like took them off and put them
06:25 By like the chairs and because there's like places to sit down and eat so yeah
06:31 I wouldn't put a lot of money into shoes
06:33 But if you love shoes then and you want to make that big focal point of your outfit then you go for that
06:39 But yeah, that's just my advice
06:41 Tidbit for that. Well hair
06:43 I think is a really big part of prom to save money you could always do it yourself or try to find a friend to
06:49 Do your hair for you, and that's definitely a good option
06:53 I have really problematic hair. It's just super thick and hard to like handle, so I just went and got mine done
06:59 But if you want to like save money that way you can just you know go in for a haircut and a lot of times
07:06 I'll just like style it for you that with that and then you don't even have to like
07:10 You know go get it like super style
07:13 Because that might be more expensive or something so yeah
07:17 Just like whenever I get a haircut my hair looks like way better than it does on a normal day
07:21 So that's what I did and it worked out pretty well for me
07:25 So that's what I would totally recommend for you to do
07:28 You have if you are don't have anyone to do your hair
07:33 And then when it comes to how to style your hair
07:37 I definitely recommend like maybe at least pinning it back you want to keep it down
07:41 I think that's a totally good idea, but maybe at least pin it back
07:44 Just so you're not messing with your hair all night long. There's this chart
07:48 I found on Pinterest and I'll insert it here of like what hairstyle you should have according to your dress
07:55 But you can totally do whatever you want. I just totally think this chart is helpful
07:59 I think up-dos are so pretty and you can't really do them that often so to do it during prom would be like super fun
08:05 Everybody has different hairstyles that suit them
08:07 So just play around with your hair before before the day of your prom and just try to find what works for you
08:13 So advice for makeup
08:17 I am NOT super good at makeup or anything
08:20 But I did do my own makeup for prom just because it saved a lot of money
08:24 To get your prom done at Sephora or have someone else do your makeup is super expensive
08:29 It's like 40 plus dollars, and that's just not feasible for me really so I just did my own makeup so some tips
08:37 That I kind of have for you is to avoid
08:42 Products with SPF in it so if you have a foundation with SPF in it you probably
08:46 Shouldn't use that because it flashes back in pictures, and you're probably taking a lot of pictures
08:50 At your prom or before your prom so no SPF, and then also don't use a mineral
08:58 Veil like type of powder because that also will kind of make you look you know shiny
09:04 In your pictures and it'll just not look good
09:09 And you'll look like you're like coated in sugar or something so don't use that
09:12 and then also
09:15 My advice would be since I'm someone who always you know goes for like really neutral and natural looking makeup like all the time
09:22 It's to just do a little bit more because I feel like prom is just like one excuse
09:27 You know maybe add a little more less than usual or you know actual do some like contouring and not just a little bit of bronzer
09:35 but
09:36 Whatever you're comfortable with you should also just do and also practice beforehand practice makes perfect
09:43 so definitely don't try to
09:45 Apply false eyelashes for the first time you know an hour before you're going to prom
09:51 Because you'll be super stressed out and trying to look up videos on how to do it
09:57 And it probably won't work out so practice beforehand if you have any free time
10:01 just you know try to do your makeup for fun and
10:06 Figure it out beforehand, so yeah, that would be my advice when it comes to makeup
10:11 Something you have to definitely do beforehand is get a wristlet
10:16 And you really want to take at least a little wristlet don't lug around like a whole purse
10:21 But a wristlet I think is a really good idea to bring just to hold you know your phone. You should probably put
10:28 Some wipes in it in case you spill something on your dress or something
10:33 don't want to you don't want to think about that, but
10:35 You should probably
10:38 Consider everything that could happen so you know wipes maybe some gum
10:42 Your ticket one time my friend did not bring their ticket to prom and that is really bad, so you need your ticket
10:49 You know tampons girl things whatever you think you'll need some bobby pins
10:57 Maybe just stick that all into a wristlet and make sure you have that ready to go
11:02 Recommend having a good plan put together before your actual prom, so you know how it figured out
11:09 How are you going to get to prom? How are what are you going to do afterwards?
11:13 Stuff like that because it can get really confusing if you don't have a concrete plan beforehand
11:21 You know dinner if you have to eat before the prom and then go to prom you should probably make reservations
11:27 you should definitely check out the weather before actual prom because
11:32 People like to take pictures outside
11:33 That's definitely where you should probably take your pictures at because that's where the best lighting is
11:38 But if it's rainy you have to think of other alternatives
11:41 So figure all that out
11:44 Some people get limos to prom and some people you know stay at hotels after prom so
11:49 If you're looking to save money you should probably cut out those options
11:55 But if not, and then I think that would definitely be fun stuff to do
11:59 But just you know figure all that out beforehand that way you're not scrambling and during the actual
12:04 Event and then another tip I have is at least for where for my prom
12:11 The girls get the boys the boutonnieres and then the guys get the girls the corsages
12:18 So I definitely recommend ordering those beforehand because I did not do that and I had to go to the store
12:24 And there was only two boutonnieres left and thank goodness
12:28 It was a hot pink which was the color I needed for like my dress and my date had that
12:33 color for his suit and stuff
12:35 Or not his suit, his tux, whatever
12:37 but
12:40 Yeah
12:42 Figure that out beforehand. So just other tips in general is to you know ask around you I'm sure you know
12:49 Someone who's been to prom before or to the prom where you're going to if you're going to like a different school
12:56 School's prom because your date goes to a different school or something. You know just figure out what the normal is
13:01 So you're not caught off guard
13:03 So the prom where I live is probably different than like other people's prom but where I live
13:08 It's like really uncommon for girls to wear you know the shorter dresses proms like the time we wear the long dresses
13:13 And you know there's just like certain stuff like that that you should probably figure out beforehand
13:20 So you know you're most comfortable and everything like that so just ask around look at pictures
13:26 online
13:28 Do your research I guess and figure all that out just so you're not super
13:34 You know stressed out and everything beforehand. I know I can say don't be stressed out
13:39 It'll all be fine, but you'll probably be super stressed out anyway
13:42 But just you know try to have a good time laugh definitely go and dance
13:46 Don't be that person who just like sits there all night because that's no fun
13:50 I
13:51 Recommend going with friends
13:53 that's what I did and it was way less stressful than I think than going with like an actual date or
13:58 I mean if you're like in a long relationship
14:01 That's probably not awkward, but if you like just get a date. I feel like that'd be you know
14:05 More stressful just because you're like so you know the person and you want to make a good impression and everything I don't know
14:15 But yeah, I hope this video is helpful for
14:18 some of you guys, and I hope everyone has a good prom or had a good prom and that you just or if you're
14:27 Not going to prom this year that you'll go next year in the future
14:31 Or if you don't have prom then you'll have another dance you can go to and you can apply these tips, too
14:36 I don't know, but yeah
14:40 In the comments, I think it'd be super cool if you guys could leave like promposal stories because I freaking love proposal stories
14:47 And I just think that'd be so fun
14:49 So yeah, you should totally leave a comment below if you're a friend or you got promposed to
14:54 Because I literally go on Twitter, and I look up promposals all the time just for fun because they make me super happy
15:01 so yeah, also like this video if you want to and subscribe if you're feeling that and
15:07 Yeah, that's all I have to say. I'll see you guys in my next video
15:11 Have a good week. Bye
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