Carl Douglas the 300lb gorilla

  • last year
As Carl points out, the recent controversy surrounding the Leaving Neverland documentary has revealed a troubling truth about Michael Jackson's alleged abuse of young boys. Many supporters of Jackson have attempted to discredit the testimony of Wade Robson and James Safechuck, the two men featured in the documentary, by claiming that their descriptions of Jackson's genitalia do not match the reality, and therefore their accusations cannot be taken seriously.

But as Jordan Chandler, the boy at the center of the 1993 allegations against Jackson, found out, sometimes a victim's description can be all too accurate. Chandler described Jackson's penis as being dotted with distinct markings and discolorations, a detail that only someone who had seen it up close would know. When forensic investigators searched Jackson's body, they found that his genitalia did indeed bear the exact markings Chandler had described.

This revelation silenced many of Jackson's defenders at the time, and it should serve as a cautionary tale for those who would dismiss the allegations of Robson and Safechuck today. We may not have physical evidence this time around, but that does not mean the victims' stories are any less valid. It is up to all of us to listen, believe, and demand justice for those who have suffered at the hands of powerful abusers.

