The Last Of The Mohicans. The Falcon eye

  • 15 лет назад
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A convoy of colonists is heading towards Fort Edward, following an attack executed by the Huron tribe, who are allies of the French. Colonel Munro's two daughters, Alice and Cora get off the convoy, having just arrived to the new world to reunite with both their father and the English officer Duncan Heyward, Alice's childhood friend who is in love with her. The white hunter Hawkeye, together with two Mohican warriors Uncas and Big snake, help the colonists combat the Indians' siege, and assist them in crossing the rushing waters of the Hudson River. In the end, Alice will want to forget the horrid adventure, however Cora won't be able to rid her heart from the vision of Uncas with whom she is in love.

Episode 2-MAGUA

Colonel Munro, retreating toward Fort Henry, sends his emissary, Magua, to Fort Edward, to get reinforcements for General Webb. Notwithstanding his terrible appearance and the fact that he is a member of the Huron tribe, Magua earns the trust of Duncan, who confides in Cora and Alice, in so having the scouts of Fort Henry reveal a shortcut, while he leads the regiment along the main path.
Unfortunately, it is a trap, but the timely intervention of Hawkeye and the Mohicans will drive Muagua and his followers to escape. However, the pursuit is not yet finished, and a short while later, we discover that Magua is in fact the chief of the Huron! The adventure then unfolds along the river, ending with a thrilling pursuit aboard some canoes drifting on the current of the Hudson. In order to shake off the Huron, our friends pretend to dock their canoe under the waterfall of the Glenn. Then, believing Magua will take them for dead, they set out in the forest once again.


During their journey in the forest towa..."
