US Goes All-In on Ukraine Defense: New $400M Military Aid Package Unveiled with Surprising Twist

  • last year
Are we on the brink of a new chapter in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia? The United States just announced a new $400 million military aid package for Ukraine, which includes a crucial addition never before provided: tactical bridges to move tanks and armored vehicles. This move is seen as a signal of support for Ukraine's efforts to retake territory seized by Russian forces in the past year.

But the aid package does not stop there. The additional ammunition being sent is expected to boost stocks in anticipation of a potential spring offensive. The package includes more ammunition for HIMARS and howitzers, Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Armored Vehicle Launched Bridges, demolitions munitions and equipment, and other maintenance, training, and support.

Why is this significant? The US has previously provided nearly $32 billion in aid to Ukraine to defend itself against Russia, which invaded its pro-Western neighbor on Feb. 24, 2022. But this new aid package marks a turning point in the nature of the aid being provided. The inclusion of tactical bridges, for example, is a game-changer for Ukrainian troops who have been training in "combined arms maneuver" warfare. This is the coordinated use of artillery shelling, alongside tank and armored vehicle attack movements, which could be used to retake territory seized by Russian forces.

Is this a sign that the US is preparing Ukraine for an offensive against Russia? Some experts seem to think so. Jack Watling, a Senior Research Fellow for Land Warfare at the London-based Royal United Services Institute, points out that "Assault bridging is essential for combined arms operations. It allows armored vehicles to cross narrow rivers and ditches that would otherwise cause a whole force to slow down."

The aid package will be funded using Presidential Drawdown Authority, or PDA, which authorizes the president to transfer articles and services from US stocks without congressional approval during an emergency.

What will be Russia's response? Russia's ambassador to Washington, Anatoly Antonov, has already spoken out, claiming that the US wants to inflict a strategic defeat on Moscow but has no chance of succeeding. Tensions continue to mount between Ukraine and Russia, and the world is watching closely to see what happens next.

In this video, we dive deeper into the details of this new aid package and explore what it could mean for the future of the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Stay tuned to find out more.

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