Animated Short Film HD 'A Fox Tale

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A Fox Tale" is a high-definition (HD) animated short film produced by the French animation studio "Supinfocom Arles". The film has a duration of around 6 minutes and tells the story of two legendary warriors who try to defend a city from evil monsters led by a long-tailed fox.

The film features beautiful and stunning visuals, with the use of rich colors and fine details on characters and backgrounds. The story offered in the film is also very interesting and full of action and intrigue. The audience will be taken on an epic journey full of challenges to fight against evil and keep the city safe.

From a technical perspective, "A Fox Tale" uses 3D animation technology with a very high level of image quality. Every character in the film has a unique characteristic and appears very alive on the screen. The visual effects used in the film are also very impressive and strengthen the dramatic impression of the story being told. Overall, "A Fox Tale" is an extraordinary animated short film, and highly recommended for animation enthusiasts and fans of epic and adventure stories.
