Hajj of Women without Mahram | Way or Method how a lady can do Hajj with no Mahram in 2023

  • last year
Hajj of Women without Mahram | Way or Method how a lady can do Hajj with no Mahram in 2023

Video on 4 special packages for local Pilgrims

How can a woman travel for Hajj without Muharram? Will be described in this video
As no women could perform Hajj previously without a Mahrem. Now Saudi Authorities has relaxed in this regard. The Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has said that women will be allowed to perform Hajj without Mahram by joining the women's group. The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has said that for the Saudi citizen, the Department of Madinah Affairs, while the resident foreigner has to refer to the Passport Department "Jawazat". Application for Hajj must be made online. The application must indicate the accompanying group of the woman performing the Hajj. It should also be mentioned what is his relationship with the woman. In case of no Mahram have to contact with Ahwal Madnia or Jawazat. It should be noted that the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has called for applications from those intending to perform Hajj from within the kingdom on Thursday, January 5, 2023. Four packages are prescribed for internal visitors.

