China subway passenger wears DIY full-body mask as Covid cases surge
  • last year
A train passenger wore his DIY full-body mask as Covid-19 fear gripped China.The subway commuter was seen by baffled onlookers as he travelled through Chengdu, Sichuan province.His DIY isolation tent was held in place by an umbrella sun hat attached to his head.A series of rings and pipes kept the thick plastic sheeting from clinging to his body.His invention appeared to work, as no other passenger apparently dared to sit anywhere near him.China recently lifted tough restrictions following a wave of protests at Covid-19 lockdowns, resulting in many people becoming infected.Local media reported that the man on the subway, Yu, said that although he sometimes gets taunted, he does not care, because he says his health is more important than anything.He added that he also continued to use the tent when he was out on the street as it protected him from the sun.He said that he built the isolation tent using a giant sun hat, plastic pipes and polythene sheets.