Interfaith Beast Commandments?

  • 2 years ago
On November 13, 2022, the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development had a ceremony in Egypt where they laid out 'Ten Principles for Climate Repentance.' Then two tablets were tossed down and broken in the traditional area that Moses broke the tablets of the Ten Commandments at the base of Mt. Sinai. The 'breaker' had also given Newsweek a set of climate 'Ten Commandments' in August of 2022. Furthermore, in the Spring of 2022, Ecumenical News and the World Council of Churches reported about a set of digital 'Ten Commandments,' which, while a mixture of good and evil, condoned sin. Are these actions helping to set the stage for the Beast who will change times and law (Daniel 7:25)? Will the coming Beast and Antichrist promote the breaking God's Ten Commandments? Are the ecumenical and interfaith movements moving in that direction? Would actually keeping God's Ten Commandments solve weather matters that are blamed on 'climate change'? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel address these matters.

An article of related interest is available title 'Interfaith Climate Repentance Ceremony’s ‘Ten Commandments’–the Coming Beast Will Seek to Change Law' URL: