• 2 tahun yang lalu
intelligent people will not say these 10 words

intelligent people know that language is important

there is even a proverb to say

"Those words can hurt more than a sword"

that's absolutely right

intelligent people always think first then speak

not talking first then thinking

for indeed these words, they were born of thought

thought finally gave birth to words

words give birth to action

the act of giving birth to a habit

habits give birth to character

and character will determine our destiny

where can you go? , could be good or could be bad

now this language can determine the perspective of our way of thinking

at times we are able to control our words

at the right time, at the right timing, God willing, we will be liked by people

When I read this material, I thought I was not a smart person either

apparently there are some words that I often say to other people

well through this video I want to learn very much

How to be a leader

How to be smart

how people like and admire without being feared

so the material this time is not just for you

but the material this time is also for me so that we both learn

first of all, the words these intelligent people never use are
