Tips and How to Make Eel Fillets

  • 2 tahun yang lalu
Tips and How to Make Eel Fillets

Eel in Indonesia, may not be as popular as in Japan and has not been widely consumed by the wider community and many do not know how to process eels such as making eel fillets.
The famous processed eel generally comes from Japan, such as unagi kabayaki which is one of the favorite preparations in Japan and abroad.
However, eel can be processed more diversely, including by adding local flavors according to your taste.

To process eel into various kinds of preparations, in general we need to fillet the eel first to facilitate the cooking process.

Fillet is processed meat that has been separated from bones, skin, and other organs.

Have you ever made your own eel fillets?

If not, don't worry. Before you start making your own fillets, there are a few things to note.

You can see the tips first as follows:

1. Choose Eels That Are Still In Good Condition
2. Use a Sharp Knife
3. Cut the Back of the Eel's Head
4. Eel Body Fillet.
5. Separate the Bones from the Flesh.
6. Separate the skin of the eel from the meat.
