THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND Promo (2022) Season 9

  • 2 years ago
After making the greatest discoveries in Oak Island history one year ago -- including scientific evidence of massive quantities of silver deep in the Money Pit area -- Rick and Marty Lagina, along with their faithful team, are poised to finally solve the 226-year-old mystery. However, they must once again face unforeseen challenges in the process. The deadly Covid-19 pandemic has once again delayed their efforts by more than a month, and they are also now facing unprecedented scrutiny by the provincial Culture, Community and Heritage arm of the government due to all the archaeologically significant finds they made last season all across the island. Nevertheless, they will pick up where they left off in the triangle-shaped swamp, which they now have proven to contain manmade workings. In addition to continuing the investigation of the massive stone road -- or possible ship’s wharf -- in the Southeastern corner, they will also dig below the muck of the brackish bog looking for evidence of an ancient treasure galleon. Against all odds, this action-packed, emotionally charged season promises to be the greatest so far.