First-ever commercially available flying bike to go on sale in the UK later this year

  • 2 years ago
A tech company have created a flying bike which goes on sale this year – and the forward-thinking founders insist we’ll be in travelling in flying four-seater cars by the end of the decade.

Jetson, a Swedish-Polish tech company, has released a range of FLYING CARS - which are available to purchase now.

The company have designed a one-seater vehicle which is the first to become commercially available around the world - and will set you back around £68,000, or $92,000.

The Jetson One is fully electric and you don't even need a pilot's licence to fly it - and since becoming available in October 2021, people worldwide have been desperate to get their hands on one.

But its forward-thinking founders say this is just the beginning - and we'll all be zooming around in four-seater flying cars by 2030.

Peter Ternström, one half of the brains behind Jetson, said: "The first time I flew it, it felt amazing - it's completely vibration free so it's nothing like a helicopter or aeroplane.

"It's totally new and it's euphoric - we are opening another dimension for people.

"But we have a vision way beyond the Jetson One - we want to make a two-seater flying car in four years.

"By the end of the decade, we want a four-seater flying car on the market - one that can replace a normal family car, and everyone will want it.

"We want to make cities a better place to live and mass transport is going to need to change to do that - everything is going up in the air!

"People think it's crazy but we believe everyone can be a pilot by the end of the decade - evolution happens fast."

Peter and co-founder Tomasz Patan established Jetson in 2017 after first thinking of the concept several years earlier - and began to create the prototype.

The following year they began to implement safety features to ensure it's totally safe to fly - and features sensors, backup motors and speed restrictors.

It doesn't need a runway to take off or land - and has features to ensure you always get the perfect landing.

The first release of Jetson One models sold instantly after its official launch in October 2021, and they are now accepting orders for 2023 delivery.

Peter said: "It's not like anything that's already out there - that's what makes it so unique and exciting.

"But lots of people see our vision - I get a request to purchase one every 15 minutes, day and night.

"I get a request to purchase the entire company every couple of hours!

"People want to be part of the story - imagine being one of the first few hundred people in the world to own one.

"Imagine turning up to a surburban McDonalds in one of these - people will be looking at you thinking is that James Bond? Are they even from planet Earth?"

The Jetson One weighs 86kg and can fly for 20 minutes at a time - with a battery charging time of up to two hours.

It is controlled with a joystick and throttle lever and can reach speeds of up to 63 miles per hour.

The vehicle is still subject to flying restrictions which vary from country to country, meaning it can't currently be flown in cities - at the moment it is only for open land.

But the founders say this will change as people open their minds to travel by flight, not road.

Peter says he and Tomasz hope to see 15% of all wheeled transport to be moved to the air by 2035 - and 50% by 2050.

Peter explained: "Going forward, we want to make big cities better places to live.

"For our children, the cities can be greener - there won't be space needed for loads of parking and roads because it's all going up in the air!

"We are not going to be the only ones who solve this, but we can work with other companies we can all do it together."

The next step in Peter and Tomasz's master plan is to create a two-seater flying car - with a bit of luggage space - by 2026.

Dubbing it "a luxury car for the sky", the two-seater model is already on the way.

But they're not stopping there - insisting by the end of the decade, we'll be able to get our hands on four-seater flying cars.

They reckon these can replace a classic 'family car' such as a Volvo - and will revolutionise road travel completely.

Peter said: "Our models will be the coolest things you can own - everyone will want them.

"People think it's crazy, but believe me, evolution happens quickly.

"Flying cars are one of those things you always imagine for the future - in films, games and comics, it doesn't matter what future timeline you're looking at. There are always flying cars!

"Our goal is to make everyone a pilot within a decade."
