Culinary satay maranggi (Sate maranggi bu Haji Yetty) the best food in purwakrta

  • 3 years ago
This time I will visit Sate Maranggi, Cibungur, Purwakarta, Haji Yetty, which is very famous in West Java, and even outside the city, some have visited Bu Haji Yetty. This typical Indonesian cuisine is indeed in great demand by the people of Indonesia and even abroad.
In Purwakarta there are a lot of special culinary tours, one of which is the Satay Maranggi restaurant, Bu Haji Yetty. There are several menus in this place, namely:

goat satay
beef satay
chicken satay
grilled tilapia carp
grilled chicken
tofu and tempe
rib soup
beef curry
Lamb Gule
and many more menus are provided in this place
