Best Inspirational Movies Of All Times

  • 3 years ago
Best Inspirational Movies Of All Times

They make us laugh, they make us cry, they even make us cheer! When we see underdogs take on extraordinary goals, despite all adversities and difficulties, we can relate to them. We all need inspiration. Dealing with neck to neck competition in the modern era, sometimes we get tired of trying and want to give up. But movies these make us look inside ourselves and, often, can be used as inspiration themselves. So to that end, here's a list that is not just any casual evening watch.

The Aviator
The biopic describing the early life of Hollywood director and Aviator Howard Hughes is a powerful story of a successful young man. However the director of big budget movies and the interest of leading industry actresses remains tormented in private suffering from depression and paralyzing phobias. Under Martin Sorcese's direction, The story of the Aviation pioneer reveals hard hitting facts of human dilemma.

The story of Rocky Balboa is not just of boxing, but of struggle and hard work. The difficulties of daily life that he struggles to earn for, his relationship with his best friend's sister and the formation of his career are all well-knit parts of the plot, and this overall view of his life is what makes the movie so special. This story of a man, who from a 'nobody' becomes a 'somebody' is truly an all-time inspiring watch.

127 Hours
What if you were asked to choose between amputating your hand and death? That's the decision Aron Ralson had to make in 127 Hours. The five days in the life of this lone trekker being trapped and his miraculous return to civilization is a story of survival. This film not only inspires us but makes us grateful for something we all take for granted - life.

The World's Fastest Indian
The story of Burt Munro tells us that if you believe in something, don't give up. Though it took years for the New Zealander to build his 1920 Indian motorcycle, he did not lose hope and it helped him set the land speed record at the 1967 world record at Utah's Bonneville Salt Flats. The true story of a man who never gave up on his dreams of doing something big - and doing it very, very fast - provides the basis for this engaging and inspiring plot.

Forrest Gump
Whether dominating on the gridiron as a college football star, fighting in the Vietnam war, or captaining a shrimp boat, Forrest leaves an impression on people with his childlike innocence. Growing up under the care of his supportive mother in a protected environment, slow witted Forrest never considered himself disadvantaged. He tried to make people around him happy in his own small way but becomes puzzled while saving Jenny, his childhood sweetheart. The film emanates the sentiment of innocence and love, making us grateful for the simple joys of life.

The Pursuit of Happyness
The struggle of father Chris to provide a good future for his son is the inspiring plot of The Pursuit Of Happyness. The movie while highlighting the father and son bond also has the message of never giving up. Being evicted from their home and faced with financial difficulties both father and son encounter numerous struggles everyday. Yet, the small bits of happiness they find in their togetherness provides a heartwarming plot for the film.
