THEME FROM NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Henning Sebastian Jahre

  • 3 years ago
I made this video on July 29, 2012

I recorded the song on October 31, 2007 and it is a homage to that very city.

Although this is a song of celebration, I have included images of people and subjects that are on a downer side.... Not everyone found joy in the Big Apple, most notably King Kong. Another case from Life itself; On May 1, 1947, 23-year-old Evelyn McHale leapt to her death from the 86th floor observation deck and landed on a United Nations limousine parked at the curb. Photography student Robert Wiles took a photo of McHale's oddly intact corpse a few minutes after her death. The police found a suicide note among possessions she left on the observation deck:

"He is much better off without me ... I wouldn't make a good wife for anybody". She has since been labeled "The Most Beautiful Suicide"

The song and the city remains the core of the American dream; ".........If I can make it THERE.... I`ll make it EVERYWHERE...."

How many went disillusioned because they went for all or nothing in that very town....

In any case - I hope you`ll enjoy the music and my video.

Translated from my diary, recorded on October 20, 2005 at 11:26
I think that both GOD and JUDY GARLAND smiled down at me yesterday and proclaimed "Let`s give this boy the time of his life..."

By the way, I`m having a ball at the moment, but as I went to town I had silent praires... "I had to see, meet and talk to her...."

As she entered the stage I was mad with ovation - We sat on the 4th row(wrong it was 3d - updated February 17 2008) - in the middle of the Oslo Concert Hall and watched LIZA MINNELLI. The last time I saw her was on April 13, 1989 with Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr at the Ekeberg Hall.
The audience was genereally quite grown up, but WE ALL EXPLODED:)(:...... Young as old... we screamed our cheers... Carnegie Hall had come to the Oslo Concert Hall.
Liza... You ARE EVEN BETTER THAN EVER!!! And I`ve got 4 videoshots on my mobile as a testament of it(I`ve got ALL of Theme from New York, New York)...

When you introduced "Sailor Boys" I screamed out and you smiled down at me - you did that several times.... I just enjoyed you gal - my daughter hehehe - You wanted to sing a song from "Chicago"and I shouted out "All That Jazz"..... You smiled and said, "Not THAT 1...." Afterwards you gave me a smiling pointed finger hehehe...

Then you started to talk about Mama, that you were at Carnegie Hall in 1961, I yelled again and you said "Oh you got the album??????" - then told the story of how Mama(JUDY GARLAND) made you give a pair of shoes to the drummer(Bill LaVorgnia whom I also saw in 1989) who in fact you felt was ACE. "He`s the BEST and we`ll keep him in the family. AND I ALWAYS DID WHAT MY MAMA TOLD ME!!!"
Then you asked "Do you want MAYBE THIS TIME or THE WORLD GOES `ROUND?... With help I yelled for the first suggestion and GOT MY WILL:)(:...
After "New York" I run up on stage and shook your hand exstatically; you have soft, glorious hands my girl and
