Last dragons still life in indonesia island

  • 3 years ago
Komodo, dragons are unique to Indonesia, and they are currently endangered
The Komodo dragon is the world's largest and tallest reptile.
Varanus komodoensis is a huge reptile with a body length of up to 3 meters and a weight of up to 90 kilograms.
Male Komodo dragons are often larger than females in terms of physical stature. The average length of a woman's body is 2.5 meters.
Komodo dragons move slowly, at roughly 8-10 kilometers per hour, due to their huge bodies. However, in times of danger or anxiety, they can reach speeds of up to 18 kilometers per hours
The Komodo dragons may have migrated from Java to Komodo Island, according to one idea. Some people believe that Komodo dragons swim from Australia to Timor Island before moving to Flores.
Komodo dragons are only found in Indonesia, hence they can't be found anywhere else. Komodo Island, Rinca Island, Gili Motang Island, and a tiny portion of Flores' north and west coasts provide sleeping habitat.
According to Antara, the Komodo National Park Agency (TNK) reported that the number of Komodo dragons in 2019 was around 2,800. Meanwhile, the number of people on Rinca Island was estimated to be around 1,040.
Carnivores, or meat eaters, are Komodo dragons. Wild boar, deer, and even other Komodo dragons are common prey.
Because it includes a lot of harmful bacteria, Komodo dragon saliva is known to be lethal. His saliva contained at least 60 different species of germs. This bacterium is supposed to produce poisoning in its prey's blood, causing the prey to perish.
Female Komodo dragons can lay 15-30 eggs after mating. After that, the eggs are placed in the hole. Within 8-9 months, the eggs are incubated.
The sense of smell of Komodo dragons is well-known. Komodo dragons are said to be able to smell up to 11 kilometers away.
Humans have been attacked by Komodo dragons on various occasions. The reason for this is that tourists were formerly allowed to feed Komodo dragons, which was against their natural nature
