"Under Consideration" ("Angel From Montgomery")

  • 3 years ago
#Music4URSpirit #JohnPrine #BonnieRaitt #CoverTunes #RayCountyMissouri #CatVideos

Welcome to "Under Consideration," an off-the-cuff, informally recorded series for musicians and music lovers that explores material under consideration by Mo-Mutt Music and/or Shade Tree Entertainment for recording for stand-alone singles, EPs and albums. In this episode, Shawn and Sandy, who comprise the duo The Sheck-Tones and are part of the musical collective Sacred & Secular, discuss why they're considering recording John Prine's "Angel From Montgomery" for a Sacred & Secular covers album project.

Note: For copyright reasons, we can't include Prine's original in this episode; however, here's a link, if you want to listen to him performing it in concert, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3qr4xi0RTk.

Discussion questions (for the Comments section):
Do you like "Angel From Montogmery"? Why or why not?

Have you covered "Angel From Montgomery"? If so, was it easy to learn and record?

What's your favorite John Prine song?
