COVID-19 Treatment Pills Get $3.2 Billion Investment From US Government

  • 3 years ago
COVID-19 Treatment Pills, Get $3.2 Billion Investment
From US Government.
The announcement came from the
Department of Health and Human Services on June 17.
Antiviral pills that treat COVID-19 patients could
be available as soon as the end of the year.
While the Trump administration's
"Operation Warp Speed" sought to develop
COVID-19 vaccines to effectively prevent
contraction of COVID-19.
the initiative made no investment
in the treatment of those who
have tested positive for the virus.
The Biden administration's
investment in antiviral drugs
will potentially prevent
hospitalizations and save lives...
... as the coronavirus continues to pose
significant risks to human health for the foreseeable future.
Antiviral drugs are effective at treating several
potentially deadly viruses, including HIV and influenza
