10 Humidity-Loving Plants That Will Thrive in Your Bathroom
  • 3 years ago
10 Humidity-Loving Plants, That Will Thrive in Your Bathroom.
The bathroom is actually
a great place for certain houseplants.
Hanging plants are great in the bathroom where counter space is at a premium, and since most houseplants are tropicals, they love the humidity, Annette Gutierrez, Potted,
via 'The Seattle Times'.
These ten suggestions will help you to pick the
perfect plant for the room that is often overlooked.
1. , Fern.
2, Gardenia.
3. , Snake plant.
4. , Spider plant.
5. , Parlor palm.
6. , Prayer plant.
7. , Nerve plant.
8, Monstera.
9, Orchid.
10. , Lipstick plant