Restore Our Earth | Earth Day 2021: Plastic Pollution
  • 3 years ago
Plastic pollution is a major in the world. Especially, this problem can affect people, animals, oceans, and our future generations. It's Earth Day and it's time to reduce our plastic usage.
Here are some fun facts below:

The main problem is human behavior.
1) Each year, our oceans receive up to 12 million tons of plastic per year.
2) A plastic bottle takes 500 years to fully decompose.
3) There are about 14 million tons of microplastics in the ocean.
4) Only 34.5% of recyclable waste get recycled in United States.
5) By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean.
6) There is only one planet.

Some solutions are:
1) Don't use a drinking straw when going to a restaurant.
2) Don't use plastic bags when going shopping; instead use reusable bags.
3) Use reusable bottles instead of disposable plastic bottles.
4) Recycle plastic!

You are part of the solution!