Try These Heart-Healthy Activities Instead of ‘Standard’ Cardio

  • 3 years ago
Try These Heart-Healthy Activities
Instead of ‘Standard’ Cardio.
It’s not surprising that those with an active lifestyle
enjoy benefits such as a healthier cardiovascular system,
better oxygen flow and lower blood pressure. .
Thankfully, you don’t have to participate
in “standard” cardio fitness, like running, swimming
or cycling, to achieve these benefits. .
Here are six activities outside the cardio-norm
that will get your heart pumping just as fast. .
1. Going for a brisk walk that's fast
enough that it raises your heart rate, but slow
enough that it's still easy on your joints.
2. Doing high intensity household chores
like mowing the lawn or shoveling snow.
3. Adding “active commuting” to your day, such
as taking the stairs or walking to your destination. .
4. Performing strength-building activities, such
as yoga or lifting weights, two days a week.
5. Letting loose with fun activities like dancing,
hula-hooping or pickup basketball. .
6. Adding “exercise snacks” to your day,
such as a 10 minute jump rope session