Japan Mojiko Port Bridge

  • 3 years ago
Mojiko - Moji Port - is a port in the city of Kitakyushu, in Fukuoka prefecture, and is strategically located at the narrowest point of the Kanmon Straits that separate Kyushu - the island it is on - from the main island of Honshu. Mojiko developed into a major international and domestic port at the end of the 19th century.

Moji was one of five towns and cities that merged in 1963 to become Kitakyushu-shi (Kitakyushu city). Besides Moji, the other merged towns were Kokura, Tobata, Yahata with its main attraction of Space World, and Wakamatsu.
Since the opening of Mojiko as a modern, new port, the area around old Mojiko port has been turned into a tourist attraction under the slogan "Mojiko Retro."

Mojiko is small enough to be explored on foot, or bicycles can be rented near the inner harbor.