These Are the Best and Worst Things You Can Add to Your Coffee

  • 3 years ago
These Are the Best
and Worst Things You Can
Add to Your Coffee.
Whether it be a packet
of Splenda or a splash of
oat milk, everyone has their
go-to coffee additions. .
Here are 10 popular coffee additions
ranked from worst (negative) to
best (positive) by nutritionists. .
1. Artificial Sweeteners (Neutral), Excessive consumption can lead to digestive issues.
2. White Sugar (Negative), Sugar has no nutritional benefits and
can lead to a host of health risks.
3. Plant-Based Milks (Positive), They contain carbohydrates, fats and protein. .
4. Powdered Creamer (Negative), Although flavorful, creamer packs
on extra fat and calories. .
5. Cow’s Milk (Positive), Dairy is a great source of
calcium, vitamin D and protein. .
6. Butter/Coconut Oil (Neutral), Consuming too much of these fat-filled
additives can raise cholesterol levels.
7. Spices (Positive), A small sprinkle of cinnamon or turmeric
can offer additional health benefits.
8. Supplements (Neutral), Although beneficial, it's best to look for
nutrients in whole food sources, not powders. .
9. Flavored Syrups (Negative), Specialty drinks usually add multiple servings
of syrup, which is way too much sugar. .
10. Whipped Cream (Negative), Too much whipped cream will add unnecessary
fat, sugar and calories to your coffee.
