Coronavirus (COVID) Battle against Odds for D.C. Man after 46 Day in Hospital include 4 Week in ICU

  • 3 years ago
Coronavirus Battle against Steep Odds for D.C. Man after 46 Days in Hospital including 4 Weeks in ICU

Theirrien “Tee” Clark, a senior law firm manager in Washington, D.C., developed a severe case of COVID-19, which affected his lungs and required him to be placed on a ventilator.

The X-ray showed signs of COVID-19 lung damage. Sarkar says: “Based on that image, Sean’s report and Mr. Clark’s oxygen saturation, I elected to intubate him and spoke with his wife briefly — before doing so urgently.”

He spent a total of 46 days in the hospital, including more than four weeks in the intensive care unit, after which he was too weak to stand on his own.

A multidisciplinary team’s therapy plan and Theirrien’s own hard work and commitment helped him return home and continue his recovery with his wife, Marcy.

Even with a team fighting on his behalf, he had several close calls. At one point in fighting the coronavirus, Theirrien’s immune system went into overdrive, a phenomenon called a “cytokine storm,” in which the body’s defenses start to attack healthy tissues. His fever went as high as 108 degrees, Marcy says. His oxygen level dropped dramatically. His heart developed an abnormal rhythm. But quick interventions addressed each of these crises.

Theirrien had beaten steep odds. Severely ill with COVID-19, he had spent more than four weeks in the ICU — and almost lost his life.

This story was originally posted by Johns Hopkins Health System:

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