UFO Sighting Over Tulsa, Oklahoma on January 19, 2021

  • 3 years ago
UFO Sighting Over Tulsa, Oklahoma USA on January 19, 2021. Witness report as follows "approximately 7 p.M. went outside to smoke a cigarette a glow orange glow off in the distance live about 7 miles from an airport constant air traffic in the area not at this time i grabbed my phone started filming it because the glow was strange not not like a satellite as it passes over or an aircraft as is coming at about the five minute mark you can zoom in on the video and it changes shape and disappears excuse the language used in video sorry the video totals at 5 minutes and 30 seconds i included a shorter video at the 1-minute mark wild zum then you can see it change shape also a buzzing in the background it's from a light that has nothing to do with this siding just fyi hope everything helps"
