My Thank you message!

  • 3 years ago
My open message, giving my sarcastic THANKS to the out going Blondie, the 45th President, for all the infamous things he did over the past 4 to 5 years.

I will have to discredit him for making all these things come out to the WORLD!

- America's dark past,
- The Racist Presidents from Andrew Jackson, James Buchanan, William McKinley, Woodrow Wilson and Ronald Reagan.
- The lack of competence of that like Andrew Johnson and George W. Bush.
- Separating families at the border, the history when the US had a long history of dong things like separate and erase the culture identity of the Native American children, and putting Japanese-Americans on internment camps when an enemy put Religious people in Concentration Camps.

- Aggressive but callous US Foreign Policy
- Warmongering with Countries.
- Being the DICTATOR in when the US through the CIA established DICTATORSHIPS in the Cold War.
- The Dictator who demeans the Media because they disagree with him.

- Making America like the worst atrocities in the past, Nazi Germany, Belgian Empire, British Empire, Soviet Union and elsewhere.

- Trying to turn the US into the more racist era from the combination of the late 1800s and the early 1900s.

- Worsening the problems in Central America that the US had caused since the late 1800s and the 1900s.

Since it is Martin Luther King Day, I want to extent my CONGRATULATIONS to incoming Senator of Georgia, Reverend Raphael Gamaliel Warnock who coincidentally is a Pastor where Martin Luther King himself was a Pastor (Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia), who got elected the day when the Trump mob stormed the Capitol Hill.

I use:
- LG Stylo 4, for my video blog.
- Polish, for my Thumbnail
- Videoshop, for my video editing.
