Filming A YouTube Video...And A Proposal! & Husband's Hilarious 'Package Deal'

  • 3 years ago
Shenelle and Shehaan are out filming a video for their [YouTube channel]( in Sri Lanka's beautiful Yala National Park. But, when they set up the camera to film an intro, Shenelle gets the surprise of a lifetime: Shehaan is proposing! Congratulations to the happy couple.

Speaking of happy couples, Rashad and Sharie just tied the knot, so it's time for Rashad to take his bride's garter off at the reception. When he lifts up [Sharie's](×tamp=1610137013&tt_from=messenger&u_code=d8i421hkaf1clc&user_id=6745109723845182470&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=messenger&source=h5_m&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6907321553086072325&is_from_webapp=v2) dress...out pops her best friend of 23 years, Brianna! It looks like Rashad's got himself a package deal!