Terror Birds (2016) movie [part 1

  • 4 years ago
Terror Birds (2016) movie
They're not extinct!

Harvey Sullivan learns of a legend about monstrous birds while on an expedition. Making the journey to investigate, he finds two ten-foot birds known as Terror Birds, long thought to be extinct. Capturing them, he brings the birds to East Texas. Meanwhile Maddy Stern asks her friends to help search for her missing father. Tracing his steps to Harvey's ranch, the group finds themselves on the run from the Terror Birds who escape and have discovered a taste for human flesh.

Cast: Jessica Lee Keller, Lindsey Sporrer, Leslie Easterbrook, Greg Evigan
When Maddy Stern discovers her father has gone missing during a routine birdwatching excursion, she and her college pals trek out into the wilderness to find him, only to end up in a wealthy scientist's desolate ranch aviary, where they encounter a pair of giant, hungry terror birds believed to be extinct for centuries
