Edificio de la Biblioteca Nacional Argentina - Inicio de las obras 1976

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: General views of the building under construction of the new National Library. General views of the architect Pomponio with a group of authorities observing the works. Report where the journalist Cesar Mascetti comments: "In the property surrounded by Austria, Libertador, Agüero and Las Heras streets, stands the new building of the National Library." Report to the architect Pomponio, in which he is asked: - In what state are the works? -Could you explain what we see right now? -What characteristics does this sector of the new library present? - Is the design you present comparable to that of the best libraries in the world, architect? - With reference to the period that would have to elapse for the work to conclude, what is your estimate in this regard? - I mean, within 4 years it could start working? -What other aspect would the architect highlight to the project? Report to Monsignor Pio Laghi, in which he is asked: - Monsignor Pio Laghi, delegate of the Holy See in our country, dean of the diplomatic corps, has just given an opinion on the National Library on what will be the future building, would we like the monsignor to extract it? - Taking into account precisely that the Holy Bible is the book, what do you think of the book? Report to the Ambassador of Mexico to the Argentine Republic, Roque González Zalazar, in which he is asked: -What is the impression you get from your tour of the construction works? Report to the delegate of the National Library before the works of the new building, Professor José Edmundo Clemente, in which he is asked: -What impression does the professor get? (Cesar Mascetti / Magnetic)
Date: 1976
Duration: 7 minutes 30 seconds
Film Code: D-01950

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