[Read] March For Our Lives: You're Either With Us or Against Us For Online

  • 4 years ago
I'll tell you what, it's a time that we put an end to gun violence and it's a time that we change our government. So, if you're tired of our government's chaos, confusion, madness and fuss, then I beg you to please jump on board this March to end gun violence with us because... we are going to change our government in the process too.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!This book is written to acknowledge all those affected by gun violence here in America and around the globe.GRIFFIN, They Claim: "CHANGING LAWS WON'T WORK" Well an OUNCE of PREVENTION is a POUND of CURE! Ban Assault Weapons and Change Gun Laws NOW!!!MOMS DEMAND ACTION!!!DADS DEMAND ACTION!!!KIDS DEMAND ACTION!!!THE PEOPLE DEMAND ACTION!!!So to TRUMP AND CONGRESS: STOP TAKING from the NRA AND START MAKING SOME FREAKING CHANGESOr better yet...STOP CARING ABOUT YOUR BOTTOM LINES ANDSTART CARING ABOUT OUR FREAKING LIVES!!!
