Will The Presidential Debate Turn The Tide Towards Trump?

  • 4 years ago
After much ado about mutable microphones and plexiglass shields, President Donald Trump will face opponent Joe Biden on Thursday.
CNN reports Trump needs to not just perform well at the presidential debate, he'll need to pull a rabbit out of the hat to swing the race his way.
The president trails Biden in both national polls and key swing states that will determine whether he has a path to victory in the Electoral College.
Both candidates need to improve their standing with certain groups, though. Biden needs more Hispanic voters, and Trump is struggling to get White suburban women.
Biden has been laying low recently, preparing for the event. Trump, meanwhile has been barnstorming across the country in full gripe-and-moan mode.
The president spends his rallies insulting scientists and refusing any responsibility for the pandemic, which has created a huge drag on his poll numbers.
