14 Oct 2020 Dr George Fareed Interview – Part 3

  • 4 years ago
In this third and final part of our interview with Dr George Fareed, from California, you will learn about his take about:

– Why large number of patients succumbed, while it should never have happened

– Health Canada’s ill-conceived stance against early treatment, against HCQ

– The misleading / wrong conclusions by Boulware et al regading prophylaxis – The continuing restrictions in many States in the US regarding early treatment medications

– The role of the major federal health institutions in the US in restricting early treatment

– The immense suffering that is continuing, but that could have been stopped months ago

– What can people do in practice, to get early treatment, if they get COVID

– The opportunities generated by the availability of an Outpatient Early Treatment Algorithm

– The development of a national plan focused on early treatment, protecting the vulnerable & prophylaxis

– President Trump’s (early) treatment for COVID-19

– Whether the White House could promote outpatient treatment

The politicization of medicine
Why this considerable controversy around hydroxychloroquine?
Will HCQ be prescribed again in France for COVID-19, in hospitals or by GPs?
The death toll attributable to the prohibition of early treatments
The response to Dr Perronne’s book “Is there a mistake they did not make?”
The role of the media

Anyone with a moral compass that even thinks to Demonize HCQ or prevent HCQ from being a treatment Option for stage outpatients in the High Risk Stratified Group needs to watch this series very carefully; before they add to the Evil collective in group of - happy to risk other people’s lives - to push their own agenda or support a political or Company stance.

Please sign this petition to let Australian Doctors Prescribe HCQ
Please then post it to your facebook from the petition page
