Trump says he is no longer taking steroids and feels 'really good' - News Today

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President Donald Trump has said that he is no longer taking steroids, but could not confirm that he has tested negative for coronavirus since becoming infected last week, even as he plans to hold an event with hundreds of people at the White House on Saturday.'I feel really, really strong,' Trump said in an interview with Fox News contributor Dr. Marc Siegel, which was pre-taped but aired on Friday night on Tucker Carlson Tonight. The opening segment of the interview, which was Trump's first on-camera since testing positive for the virus, was framed as a kind of mock medical exam, with Siegel, who is a practicing physician, asking Trump about his 'chief complaint.''I feel really good, I feel very strong,' Trump replied. Trump went on to say that he was no longer taking the powerful steroid Dexamethasone, which some medical experts had warned can have psychological side effects including confusion and aggression. 'I tolerated it very well, I don't take it anymore. It was pretty short term,' Trump said of the steroid, which the CDC recommends for treating coronavirus only in cases where a patient is admitted on supplemental oxygen or requires ventilation. Asked what drugs he was on, Trump first said 'right now I'm medication free, I'm not taking any medications as of eight hours ago,' adding 'which frankly makes me feel good, I don't like medication.'However, when asked a second time what medications he was taking on Friday, Trump hedged, saying 'I think pretty much nothing.' On Thursday, Trump said he would be re-tested for COVID-19 on Friday to see if he still had detectable levels of the virus following his apparent speedy recovery.'I have been retested. I haven't even found out numbers or anything yet,' Trump said of Friday's test. 'I know I'm either at the bottom of the scale or free.'It was unclear when the interview, which Carlson said was filmed by a White House camera crew, was taped. He said he did not know when his next test would be, adding that it was "probably tomorrow... they test every couple of days."Siegle also asked about the results of scans of Trump's lungs for any damage, a key test that has not been publicly revealed by his doctors.'They tested the lungs,' Trump said. 'They tested the lungs. They have incredible equipment at Walter Reed. In fact they said, 'No, you can leave your jacket on.' I said, 'I'll take it off anyway, if you want.'''Initially it had some congestion in there but ultimately it tested good and with each day it got better,' he went on, without going into further detail. Siegel asked Trump what his two most prominent symptoms were when he was hospitalized at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Friday.'I didn't feel