Expansion of Avenida 9 de Julio in Bs As - Opinion of the people 1967

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Survey of the people who live in the area where the expansion of 9 de Julio Avenue will be carried out. Report to a man leaning out of the window of his house: -Is it a block that they are going to tear down to extend July 9, so that this house is going to disappear, you are going to have to leave here sir, right? - You still haven't been told anything? -Have you thought about where to go? -He's busy? Report to a woman on the street: -Do you live on the sidewalk in front of the block that will be demolished? -What do you think, is she happy? -How long have you lived here? (20 years) -Do you think that the municipality is going to give you that broader, greater place for you and your children? -So you are full of confidence and optimism? Report to another woman: -Do you live in the block that is going to be demolished to expand July 9, do you think that July 9 should not become a lady? -Are you worried? -He has children? -What are you going to do? Report to a man: -How many years have you lived in this block? (20 years old) -And what do you think of July 9? Then the journalist expresses: - "In short, no one is opposed to the expansion of the July 9, quite the contrary, everyone agrees, there is only one concern, where to go to live." Report to the Secretary of Public Works of the Municipality of Buenos Aires, engineer Oneto: -What are the plans for the people who are going to be evicted with this decree, what is going to happen to these people? -Engineer, the first two blocks that are going to be demolished why have only two been chosen and those? -Engineer, how much time will elapse between the demolition of the first two blocks and the rest? Panoramic image of 9 de Julio avenue with the Obelisk and vehicular traffic, square with fountain and parking lot. Laborers working with debris removal. Men with pickaxes tearing down building wall. Demolished apple with rubble. Mechanical shovel loading debris into truck. (Andres Percivale / Monica Mihanovich)
Date: 1967
Duration: 5 minutes 31 seconds
Film Code: C-01847

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