Greece coalition with France. Russia's war army is ready to support Turkey to face it

  • il y a 4 ans
Russian war fleet to support Turkey against Greek-French coalition?

The situation in the East Mediterranean Sea is likely to be getting hotter because there was news that a combat fleet of the Russian Federation armed forces would soon arrive in these waters. Some parties suspect, Russia will provide support to the Turkish Armed Forces, in a regional conflict with Greece.

The Russian military plans to hold war games in the East Mediterranean sea. However, according to another report from Kathimerini, the arrival of the Russian military combat fleet is predicted not only to carry out war games. However, it will provide support to the Turkish military, which is under threat from the Greek and French coalition

As is well known, France, under the command of President Emmanuel Marcron, has deployed a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, Charles de Gaulle, to the region. This move was taken by France to give full support to Greece.

Russia's military plan to conduct combat exercises in the Mediterranean sea has come under fire from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Knowing the Russian plan, the secretary general of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, immediately asked Turkey to immediately resolve the issue of its territorial summit with Greece through diplomacy.
