Hope You Love Your Refrigerator Because That's Another Thing We're Running Out Of

  • 4 years ago
Alright, who's up for another round of Pandemic-Related Product Shortage Bingo?.Get ready to mark the boxes marked "refrigerators" or "freezers," because we're apparently running out of those. .According to NPR, a wide range of factors have contributed to the empty floor space in the appliance section:.There was a run on freezers this spring as more people became concerned and stockpiled food.Stores were being conservative with their product orders out of fears that nobody would make major purchases this year.There were also a number of production slowdowns caused by the pandemic itself. .If you're in the market for a new fridge, retailers suggest being flexible with the style, finish, or features that you need.And be ready to put your name on a store's waitlist if you are not willing to compromise on which model you buy
