Ebooks herunterladen Severn and the Day She Silenced the World Voll

  • 4 years ago
"We raised all the money ourselves to come six thousand miles to tell you adults you must change your ways." So began Severn Suzuki's speech to the international delegates at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro. Only twelve years old, she was the only child given the chance to speak at the conference, and the media--and the world--took notice. Then-United States vicepresident Al Gore said, "That was the best speech I heard all week!" As the daughter of environmentalist David Suzuki, Severn had the unique opportunity to travel and see the effects of environmental destruction. She went to Rio to represent ECO, the Environmental Children's Organization, a group she started with three friends. Now, more than twenty years later, the video of her speech continues to receive thousands of hits on YouTube. Severn's story is about the power that children have to create change when they work together and how their voices can stand out above the cynicism of adults.