Revealing information around top secret US aircraft - News

  • 4 yıl önce
Revealing information around top secret US aircraft.
The new images revealed with information from the US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper "open up" helped clarify some more about the top secret X-37B space aircraft of this country.

International media recently discovered in a clip of the US Air Force broadcast at the Conference on virtual aviation, space and cyberspace last week with unpublished images of the X-37B. In it, the image revealed that the door on the back of the plane opened, showing the side compartment containing the device plate like a solar panel. Thereby, analysts believe that when it comes to space, the upper door system is opened to let the aircraft store more energy.

Top secret equipment.

According to the content updated and officially announced by the US Air Force in August, the X-37B is a self-propelled orbiting vehicle for testing platform technologies in space. In particular, the X-37B also has a mission to test reusable space flying equipment many times, so that it can fly into space and return.

The X-37B is designed to be launched vertically into low earth orbit (the ceiling is at an altitude of 2,000 kilometers).