Full version Get the Hell Over It: How to Let Go of Fear and Realize Your Creative Dream

  • 4 years ago
Have you ever imagined a life where fear didn?t rule you?It?s possible.What if you could go for your dreams without worrying about embarrassment, shame or failure?That?s possible too.All you need are a few simple mindset shifts.It?s not as easy as deciding not to care, though. You can?t ?just do it.?You need to take a mindful approach, and that?s not always intuitive.Luckily, Get the Hell Over It will help you do just that.Get ready to pursue creative goals without suffering panic attacks and Imposter Syndrome. Turn your pet project or hobby into a real, live side hustle or job Like ? one that makes actual money.And prepare to do it all without losing heart or succumbing to fear. In this book, you?ll learn secrets such as:
The difference between dreams, fantasies and byproducts ? and why almost everyone gets this wrong
Why most expectations don?t trigger action
How to spot and stop fear without pity parties or bathtub drinking
How to sidestep the people who don?t ?get? what you?re doing to make room for creative connection
How to define a product or service you love that others actually want to pay you for
How to create a beautiful impression online and off?
Get the Hell Over It?is the definitive step-by-step guide to beating fear and designing a creative process that really, truly, actually works ? and that you can follow for life.Buy it NOW to transform your creative dreams to reality WITHOUT feeling afraid, insecure or frustrated.Just click the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!
