Why does Donald Trump say no to alcohol- - News

  • 4 yıl önce
Why does Donald Trump say no to alcohol?
US President Donald Trump always appears at parties and events with pictures of carbonated soft drinks. What makes Trump virtually avoid alcohol?

"I don't drink beer," Trump told reporters in 2018. I never drink beer. I'm not saying beer is good or bad. Some people like to drink beer. I didn't choose that for many reasons ”.

Mr Trump also said avoiding alcohol was his "only good thing".

From an early age, Mr. Trump was known to not like being banned and restrained. During his career, Mr. Trump achieved many achievements, but also caused many problems. But for alcoholic drinks only, the US President always refuses, according to the Washington Post.

“Can you imagine? If I drink, it'll be messed up. Then I will be the worst person in the world, ”Mr. Trump said.

Longtime associates with Mr Trump say the US president always wants to have absolute control of the situation and is always alert to loss of consciousness, such as drunkenness from drinking. Nor did he appreciate drunk people, considering them weak.
