Hyperinflation in Argentina and Latin America 1991

  • hace 4 años
Report on Hyperinflation in Latin America. Statements by the economist Sergio Ciancaglini in Buenos Aires where he expresses: - "Argentina must be one of the few countries in the world in which lighting a cigarette with a 10 Australes bill is cheaper than doing it with a forum. This is the product of a economy that has gone crazy from a disease called Hyperinflation, which causes that in 1 year for example there has been an inflation of prices of 8 thousand percent or that in a few months the milk quadruples its price or the same happens in the meat". Image of man exchanging money on the street in the city of Lima. Covers of the newspapers "Hoy" and "The new newspaper" on inflation. Image of woman reading the newspaper on the street. Woman highlighting prices in supermarket. Report to a woman in Buenos Aires, in which she is asked: -The money you earn, until what day of the month is enough? -And for example you say that you eat less, that you do, prepare food in a different way, buy less food? Street musicians singing in Peru, you can also see the street vendor and a man shining his shoes. Statements by the economist Oscar Ugarteche in Peru where he talks about the inflation accumulated during the term of Alan Garcia that reached 1 million per 100. Also about the price of currency and contracts made in foreign currency. Image of men discussing in the street the economic crisis that Argentina is going through and reproaching President Carlos Menem. Blackboard of the Lacaster exchange house in Buenos Aires with the price of the dollar 4,700 purchase and 4,900 sale. Man counting money at the Mercury exchange house (Colombia). People buying and selling dollars on the streets of Peru (little trees).
Date: 10/1/1991
Duration: 5 minutes 45 seconds
Code: UG-2570

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