Sassy four-year-old girl explains why boys need to have manners

  • 4 years ago
A four-year-old San Francisco girl borrowed her mom's phone to explain why boys need to have manners when they're talking to females.

The clip, filmed on July 1, shows super-sassy Delilah sat in the child seat in the back of her parent's car explaining why boys need manners after an older one - at least eight or nine - was bugging her at the park.

Delilah says in the video: "We were at the track and a boy was trying to get me to go over and play and he was shouting, 'Caw, caw!' But that’s not how you win a girl over!

"You have to have manners and he was saying, 'Meow, meow.' Why was he doing that to a girl? And you don’t call a girl over like that, OK guys? If I don’t know you I won’t talk to you, only if I know you or you're my teacher then it’s okay!" she continued.

"My four-year-old is basically a teenager!" her mother Alyssa told Newsflare.