Pokemon Size Comparison

  • 4 years ago
Pokemon Size Comparison

SIZES USED ARE BASED ON POKEDEX SIZES AND USING THE MORE REALISTIC ON OF EITHER LENGTH OR HEIGHT (eg length for Onix, Moltres etc and height for Machamp, Alakazam etc)

For those wondering: Ash is apparently 5'5 (1.65m). Both Megazard are same size at 5'7 (1.7m). Golbat is 5'3(1.6m), Mega Alakazam is shorter than Alakazam at 3'11 (1.2m) vs 4'11 (1.5m) .Slowpoke is a slight (about 1.5X) exaggeration, Both Tangela and Chansey are almost same height at 3'3 vs 3'7, so don't be suprised. Rapidash is only 5'7 and that's taking the height (If taking length, it will be smaller), that's about the size of a pony.
