Karan Johar Now Banned From Award Show in Bollywood

  • 4 years ago
Karan is Banned in Another Prestigious Post . Since the day the news broke out that Sushant Singh Rajput has passed away, angry netizens are heavily criticizing the flag bearer of nepotism. Karan Johar is getting heavily bashed by the people for always promoting only the star kids and for his cold behaviour towards outsiders. He got blamed for banning Sushant in Bollywood which is why people started demanding the boycott of the filmmaker. Angry Bollywood lovers are demanding a full ban of Karan Johar in Bollywood. He is the eye of the storm that is currently going on in Bollywood. A case has been already filed against this filmmaker in Bihar along with some other filmmakers and actors also. Karan Johar’s movies also got banned in Bihar already along with Alia Bhatt and Salman Khan, regarding this controversy. Karan Johar’s famous talk show, Koffee With Karan also got banned and Karan is kicked out from the show. Looks like bad times are not leaving Karan soon as a recent report suggests that Karan has been forced to Resign from his post. Yes, it is right. Karan was asked to resign from the prestigious post of the jury of Mumbai Academy of Moving Image. Angry Bollywood lovers have made Karan Johar’s life very much painful now wit their demand of a ban on him. Because of all these controversies, the prestigious board of Mumbai Academy of Moving Image Film Festival does not want Karan with them. So, recently all the members of the board have decided to kick out Karan from the board and run the film festival without him. As per the recent reports, Karan was informed about the decision which broke Karan’s heart. He is in despair situation as nobody from the film fraternity is supporting him whereas they are kicking him out of places. If reports are to be believed, then the celebrated filmmaker has sent his resignation letter already to the board through an email. Karan has so many friends in Bollywood, but none of them has spoken in support of him in this situation, which has shattered his heart. The MAMI Film Festival is chaired by one of the closest friends of Karan Johar, Deepika Padukone. The board of the Film Festival has Zoya Akhtar, Kabir Khan, Siddharth Roy Kapur, VikramadityaMotwane and Rohan Sippy, as members. Looks like Karan Johar’s Bollywood career is getting destroyed with the each passing day..