Cesar Mascetti cubriendo los acontecimientos de Nicaragua 1980

  • hace 4 años
Nicaragua: Report to a soldier wounded by the Sandinista guerrillas: -What kind of wounds do you have? -How was it, in what place? -About the border with Costa Rica? -And how was that fight? -How many of you were in the national guard? -And how many Sandinistas were there? -And how did the fight end, how many casualties were there? -What is your name and how old are you? Image of the armed combat with the soldiers of the national guard in the field. Nicaraguan air base image with planes on the runway. Image of the journalist Cesar Mascetti waiting on the list to get on a transport plane and then he is inside the machine along with other foreign journalists. You take from the plane in flight. Plane landed on the runway. Journalists getting off the machine. Report where the journalist Cesar Mascetti expresses: - "When we arrived at the ANT air base, the Nicaraguan air force did not know where they were taking us. While the transport was getting ready, some old Cesna planes adapted to bomb, a couple of supports under the wings held the bombs. They are machines of Israeli origin whose action has allowed the national guard to recover various populations taken by the rebels. We are going to a place on the southern border, we are fighting, we will fly a half hour, the officer added. who accompanied us. After a while we landed on a makeshift runway, in a field directly, in a journey of just 200 meters, since this type of aircraft is easy to brake. We then transferred to a helicopter, the same one that Somoza uses to tour the garrisons. After a few minutes the panorama changed, the Pacific Ocean appeared before our eyes, flying along the coast represented security, covered in the action of some isolated focus of sandinistas. San Juan del Sur, a port town that at that time shipped sugar for Philadelphia, was just another stage. From there a second helicopter picked us up, only at that moment did we know our destination. First would be El Ostional, then El Naranjo, finally Los Mojones. Three points almost on the border with Costa Rica where the fighting was very harsh, where there was still a smell of gunpowder, where the drama that this country is experiencing was brutal, where peace was shattered again and again. " soldiers of the national guard: -Is this part of the armament that they kidnapped? -How many were you? -How many were there? -How many casualties were there in this combat? -Is EDI the youth body of the national guard? -How old are you? (18 years old) -And those bodies that lie on the ground? -How many rebels lost their lives in this episode? (Cesar Mascetti)
Date: 1980
Duration: 7 minutes 56 seconds
Code: BG-0151

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