Russia to start testing clinical drug, vaccine trial underway

  • 4 years ago
Russia to start testing clinical drug, vaccine trial underway

Russia, which has recorded the third-highest number of COVID-19 positive cases has made steady developments in medical intervention.

While the country plans to start administrating the first country produced coronavirus drug, Avifavir to patients starting June 11,

plans are underway to kickstart clinical trials for another vaccine in the next two weeks and standard testing is underway.

One of the companies behind the production of the Russian vaccine is state-run Vektor Institue, Siberia, who are positive about complete clinical trials by September. Animal trials have already started for the same.

Sinovac 99% sure of vaccine working against COVID-19

The Chinese pharma company, Sinovac Biotech, who has been working on producing a vaccine earmarked CoronaVac are hopeful of getting good results and have even said that they are 99% sure that the vaccine could help curb the spread of the virus.

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