Mario Santucho - Conferencia Ejercito Revolucionario del Pueblo 1973

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Conference of Mario Roberto Santucho where he expresses: "In this press conference cited by the People's Revolutionary Army (ERP), our colleagues Enrique del Carmen Fernández, on my left, represent our organization; Mario Roberto Santucho, who speaking to you, and comrade Benito Urteaga, to my right. We are going to read a statement on the current political situation and we are ready to answer questions from journalists afterwards. The statement of the People's Revolutionary Army that we are going to read says: Our people and the need of our homeland is to advance in the revolutionary process begun in the anti-dictatorial Cordobazo of May 29, 1969 towards the national liberation of our homeland and the social liberation of our working people. In this sense, the working class spoke out. and the Argentine people in years of energetic struggle against the military dictatorship in the Cordobazo, in the Rosariazo, in the vivarazo, in the m endozazo, in the tucumanazo, in hundreds of strikes and demonstrations. In hundreds of guerrilla actions, including deformedly in the conditional elections of March 11, and more recently in the historic day of liberation of the combatants in front of the Villa Devoto prison. In the hundreds of factory occupations and guerrilla action zones in the last week, in the keynote of great mobilization on June 20. Advancing the revolutionary process under the current parliamentary government towards national and social liberation is to mobilize the masses widely. Continue the fight against imperialist companies and big capital. Attack the roots of independence by nationalizing large companies, carrying out a deep agrarian reform; disarming the Army and offering command to the people. -Meet the parliamentary government with the people! -It satisfies the aspirations of the working class and all the Argentine working people! Every day it is more evident than not, on the contrary, the government of President Campora places itself more and more clearly next to the spectators and the repressors, along with the enemies of the people and of the Argentine Nation; and that he is ready to repress, even more, he has already begun to organize the bloody repression against the people. In the field of economics, instead of raising the living standards of the working masses, make the capitalists pay for the crisis and organize the economy under the control and administration of the workers. It tries through the social pact to handcuff the workers and give free rein to the employers for the fastest enrichment ".
Date: 6/30/1973
Duration: 14 minutes 27 seconds
Film code: D-00574

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